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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1889)
THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY of NEBRASKA. Vol. XVIII. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, APRIL 1.. 1889. No.OT. THE HESPERIAN (HESPERIAN STUDENT.) Issued semi-monthly by the Hesperian Publishing Assoc i ation, of the University of Nebraska. 0. W. FIFER, Editor.-in-Chief. associates: RACHEL E. MANLEY, 'no, - - Corresponding. E. P. BROWN, '91. - Literary. T. H. MARBLE, '92, - - Comment. j. b. Mcdonald, '92, 1 ... FRANK F. ALMY, '90 - - - - Local. E. R. HOLMES, '90, - Exchange. EDITORIAL NOTES, E. R. HOLMES, BUSINESS MANAGER. TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION: One copy, per college year, One copy, one college term Single copy, i.oo 35 .10 ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION. ALUMNI AND EX-STUDENTS. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesperian interesting to former students. Please send us your sub scriptions. Address all communications to The Hesperian, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. Miss Helen Auohey, Pres. J. W. McCroskv, Sec'y. UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. Miss Jennie Bonnell, Pres. , Frank F. Almy, Sec'y. PHILODICEAN LITERARY .SOCIETY F. A. Manley, Pres. Miss Iha Bonnell, Sec'y. DELIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. Miss Myra Clark. Pres. Miss Nellie Cochran, Sec'y. UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. H. B. Duncanson, Pres. T. A. Williams, Sec'y. UNIVERSITY Y. W. C. A. Miss May Tower, Pres. SCIENTIFIC CLUB. E. R. Tinoley, Pres. T. II. Marsland, Seo'y. CLASSICAL SOCIETY. Miss Laura Haggard, Pres. H. R. Cooi.ey Sec'y. Up to the time of going to press the senate had cut down the appropriation about $30,000 and were not yet through with us. Other state institutions are suffering the same way, as the work of the 'unholy alliance." This aggregation is fast making it neces sary to call an extra session. It is probably too soon to shout, but we cannot but notice with gratification that the committee raised the library estimate of te regents, making $3,500 the amout to be expended for books and per iodicals in the next two years. Surely there yet re mains some iuteilegence in that august aggregation. The 23rd. annual meeting of the Nebraska .state teachers association occurs at Hastings, March 26 to 28. Chancellor Bessey, the president of the asso ciation, will deliver an address upon "The Teacher of the Future," on Tuesday the 29th. Professors Hunt and Barber will read papers during the session and Professor Hennett will take part in a discussion. Other prominient educators of the state will present .addresses and papers upon live educational topics. The progiam as printed promises to be extremely interesting, both on account of the speakers and the subjects. With the appropriation for fitting up the gym nasium it becomes u foregone conclusion that we shall be given an instructor in athletics. This will be wel come news to every student The U. of N. does not lack muscle but it docs lack incentive. Another thing it lacks is some one with tl.e requisite time to systematize and conduct the work in athletics. With an instructor both these wants are filled. It is wonderful how. in the heat and turmoil and confusion of legislating for the public, some men can manage to remember themselves and put their own private ends above every thing else. For instance, the regents asked $8,700 for paving upon two sides of the campus. The chairman of the finance, ways and means committee, who owns some property upon the east side of the campus, which is not as yet in any paving district, had the amount raised to $14,000 for paving upon three sides of the campus. Probably there was nothing wrong in this,