TH E HESPER I A N. WfWWMM TO S THE NOVELTY MANUFACTURING CO., 346 SOUTH nth STREET, ODD FELLOWS I3UILDING, N. E. COR NER nth and L STREETS, promptly repair Fans, Umbrellas, Bicycles, or anything that is broken, and in addition are manufacturers of RUBBER STAMPS, used for marking linen, books, etc., and make AUTOGRAPH STAMPS, BADGES, KEYS; REPAIR TRUNKS, LOCKS, ETC. Whenever needing anything of this kind done be sure and go to the NOVELTY MANUFACTURING CO., N. E. Cor. L and nth streets, Odd Fellows Building. iUfFWkRlCHTER- ijuuuuJirweojcxiCDaouaojjuuaixcoxjuitf mm sjfil m MM KM W MMMMBMnHO sJ 1204-1206 O STREET. GEORGE H. POEHLER, BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY, OYSTERS, LUNCH AND ICE CREAM PARLORS. 1 132 O STREET OPEN UNTIL TWELVE P. M. Special Invitation to Students and Visitors at the University for the Holiday Trade. Best of Everything to be had there only. . ,f: GEO. H. POEHLER, 1132 O St, . H. W.BROWN, Druggist; College Text & Medical Books. AND A COMPLETE LINE OF SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. 127 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET. WRIGHT & FLANIGAN. (Successors to Wright & Irving.) Boots and Shoes 1026 P street. SPECIAL BARGAINS TO STUDENTS.