veemmmmmmmmmmemwm rrr- $TTr "pfum $:, u U t . .V t. . Aa.juj.iA. ! a - rv i i m .yfjts, a r&KiA jv - -0 J .' 3? fe 5 IMIII ir, sc HiOEEiisroEisr HAVE OPENED A FIRST-CLASS fcl VUu. .lis A f . . i V rAJmjfl ITlr Ui a ( m4 0 jt, r i i vvrwy 'ww vj iyiw u tf wv. 5 ! . j fh-J vmmmm TEN CENT BARBER SHOP In the Potvin Block, cor. 13 and 0. Special rates to students. THE FINEST LINE OF FABRICS FOR ZD-AJDIIEIS "WIE-A-IR,. TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY IS SHOWN AT CTOIEailfcT IE. ILILjIEIRS, wmw H and 10th , . YATES BROS., " BOOTS .A-ICTID SHOES. Popular Styles at Popular Prices. 118 North Tenth Street HARDY & PITCHER, Furniture Dealers, 211-213 and 215 So. nth St., Solid Gold-pointed Fountain Pens ! . These Pens arc the best in the Market, PALMER'S DUPLEX $1.25 1425 O ST. hadeir's Drue: and Book Store WESTBBFIELD'S . Palace Shaving and Bathing Parlors Eclipses them all Fine Line of Imported and Domestic Cigars always in Stock, With six bath rooms we are better prepared to accommodate the public thon ever before. Nw Burr block. ' Corner) Twelfth and O st. H niilir wiln i iW'-i'fr f rigjr T11 rnitwjf. i!, iijujjiiJiijSjtiMaui M.. (