THE HESPERIAN. wwmmm to o. THE NOVELTY MANUFACTURING CO., 346 SOUTH nth STREET, ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, N. E. COR NER nth and L STREETS, promptly repair Fans, Umbrellas, Hicyclcs, or anything that is broken, and in addition are manufacturers of RUBBER STAMPS, used for marking linen, books, etc., and make AUTOGRAPH STAMPS, BADGES, KEYS; REPAIR TRUNKS, LOCKS, ETC. Whenever needing anything of this kind done be sure and go to the NOVELTY MANUFACTURING CO., N. E. Cor. L and nth streets, Odd Fellows Building galkfiian $iferan: Society, "Forma Mentis h'lerna " Regular mcctlngn every Friday evening commencing promnly at 8 o'clock. Stmlonts and grangers welcome. Ocntleir.ciiB debat ing club niccls every Saturday ovonlng Lnd I cs club meets Friday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. D. D. Forsyth, Pres. T. II. Williams, Sec. Dr. C. A. SHOEMAKER, COUNTY : CORONER. Office 116 S. nth St. Telephone 685 Lincoln, Neb. M. II. KVEnETT. Tel. 683. j. n. HAaoAiiD. 1320 O St., Tel. 242 Drs. EVERETT & HAGCARD, BURR BLOCK, Rooms 29, 30 and 31. Office Telephone . 535: IMI. "WALT, (Formerly 1237 N st.) B00T AND SHOE MAKFR : Repairing Neatly and Promptly Dono: Burr Block, N 12th street, LINCOLN, : : : : NEBRASKA. jjttiverfitu $niou9 "Litteraecumetegantla tnundum agant." Meets ecry Friday ovening in Union Hall Students and strangers cordially Invited. Dobhting Club every Saturday ovonlng, open to nil. All meetings commenco promptly at 8 o'clock. G. H. Baughman, Pres. F. W. Russell, Sec. I)St8. F41JTJE A" LINK, JCiJ'C9X,J Ofllco 1125 N Street. Tel. No 9. Residence Tel. No. 615. ORDERS FOR ALL (s?)'Mwd4 &&votttttfe'n- Z'ttvCel'if, AND PRINTING . TAKEN AT THE HESPERIAN OFFICE 1IY SAYER & MILLER. fjhihdiccan itcrarn ocietQ "Xutla vestigia retrorsum." Meets oyory Friday evening commencing at eight o'clock promptly. Miss Rachael Manley, Pres. Miss II. M. Curtiss, Sec. N. R. HOOK., M. D. LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. Office, 122, 123 and 124 Burr Block N. E. corner 12 and O St. Telephone 548. Take Elevator on O St. Residence, 1629 Q. Telephone 532. Diseases of Women, Urinary and Rectal Diseases a Specialty. Treats Rectal Diseases by the Brinkerhofk Painless System. NEW 18 - PICTURES - 25c. Taken and Finished in Ten Minutes. cor. 14TH AND P ST. 73 3.5 So"' 50-5 an SSaH'Zliv w zj r j.jj O -Q-Q.- o5 7 1 s'SSs.ihS I .SB'S i. 83 SoSB. fc-rt.Su-ftS2u&.3 63.i 3E"-d B "3fta l:d"A x- r m . ra t . i . m n m ti hi t i h-rf a s!w2 III o 9a "oSS.! ifM Lincoln Shirt Factory, KATZENSTEIN & SON, Proprietors, Dealers in -:- Fine, Gents' Furnishing Goods.-:-n8 so. io st