TIIH HESPERIAN. The Globe One Price GLOTSIIETG- X3ZOTJS3H. '1 he leading establishment in the city for Every garment wai ranted to fit equal to custom made. A special invitation is extended to students to examine our new fall stock. Corner 0 and Tenth Street. E M. EISFELD & CO., Proprietors. vrsfdw Acid Phosphate, Prepared accoding to the dircctios of Prof. K. N. Hoskokd, ESPECIALLY Rl COMMENDED FOR Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Exhaustion, Headache, Tired Brain. And all Diseases arising from Indigestion and Nerve Exhaustion. This is not compound "patent medicine," but a preparation of the phosphates and phosphoric acid in the form required by the system. It aids digestion without injury; and is a beneficial food and tonic for the brain and nerves. It makes a delicious drink with water and sugar only, and agrees with such stimulants as are necessary to take. Descriptive pamphlet free. CAUTION: Be sure the word " fforsord's" is printed on the table. All other others are spurious. Never sold in bulk. Rumford Chemical Works, a-HI2WAKl2 or IMITATIONS.. Providence, R, I, PALDIMG ATHLETIC GOODS For Indoor and Outdoor SPORTS. Particular Attention kItch to FurnUhlairGYMJiA.- M1UJU HUl'l'UKH. SEND FOR FBEB CATALOOUK TO BST A, 0, Spalding & Bros, '? VL B MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Any book learned in 'lie reading. Mind wandering cured. Speaking without notes. Wholly unlike artificial "syUems. Piracy condemned by Supreme Court. Great inducements to correspondence classes. Prospectus with opinions of Dr. Win. A. Hammond, the world-lamed Specialist in Mind Diseases; Daniel Grccnlcal Thompson, the great Psvcologist; I. M. Huckley, D. D., editor of the Christian Advocate', Richard Proctor, the scien tist, Hon. Judge Gibson, Juilali P. Henjamin, and others, sent post free by Prof. A. LOISETTK, 237 Fifth Ave, N. Y. ! , t'K V ' iYiiV.' a