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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1889)
THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY of NEBRASKA, Vol. XVIII. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA; JANUARY i, 1888. No. VII. THE HESPERIAN (HESPERIAN STUDENT.) Issued semi-monthly by the Hesperian Publishing Associ ation, of the University of Nebraska. C. F. ANSLEY, Editor-in-Chief. ASSOCIATES: G. W. GERWIG, '89. - - Literary. O. W. FIFER, '89. - - Sketches. T. S. ALLEN, '89. - - Comment. H. PETERSON, '90. - - - Local. E. P. BROWN, '91. - - Exchange. MORITURI, TE SALUTAMUS. BUSINESS managers: D. D. Forsyth. - - - - E. fc. Holmes. TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION: One copy, per college year, .... $1.00 One copy, one college term 35 Single copy 10 ADVERTISING RATES ON PPUCATION. ALUMNI AND EX-STUDENTS. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesperian interesting to former students. Please send us your sub scriptions. Address all communications to Tm:IlESPERlAN,Univcrsity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. EDITORIAL NOTES. But one number of Studies has yet appeared, and of course we can not presume to judge of the ultimate success of the publication by the reception of its number. But it is encouraging to think of the fact that wherever science is s.udied in earnest, Studies is given a place among the very highest grade of this kind. The greatest of the German Sanskrit scholars has said that Professor Edgren's article de cides the long-disputed question as to the eighth verb-class; and previously the same authority had opposed the view maintained by the professor. So Number r, Volume 1, marks the date of an import ant change in the study of Sanskrit. The leading Ger man publication in the department of Physics, accus . tomed to giving space to abstracts only of even the best papers in its line, is to publish a literal transla. tion of large portions of Dr. Brace's article. Dr. Fontaine's work is in a line of which only a very few are competent to judge, and it requires time for even the best qualified critics to prepare their report. Now this is.but the first number. Those of 'the future, ii we may judge by some of the papers already in the hands of the committee, promise to maintain the pres ent standard of the publication The world is learn ing that original scientific work of the highest value is to l)e expected from the West, and notably from our own University. Only a short time ago, all of us were cal'ed upon to undergo the ordeal of examinations. Probably no two weeks of the term were so tiresome as the one week of examinations; and yet all this work ly professorsjand students accomplished practically noth ing whatever. Each student was given his "standing" as compared with other members of his class. Some were humiliated; the vanity of some was flattered; and the great majority were merely bored. We are supposed to be enjoying the "still air of delightful studies." Ve are trying to gain ability to think to the best advantage; and we are trying also to add sdmc degree of culture to our natures. If these are not our aims, they ought to be. It is ibeyond the province of a college to teach how either (to acquire a fortune or to splurge with the greatest fcffect. Sordid and selfish aims are diametrically opposed to those of a truly cultured mind. Now it occurs to us that the examination system must tend 'to increase one's natural selfishness. The spirit of the thing is competition. Occasionally there is a student who is pleased with high grades because they 'will give pleasure to "the folks at home." But if the student has lived as he should, his parents will need no such evidence to tell them that he is not wasting his time. The most of students everywhere, we believe, strive to excel in examinations merely for the sake of being duly talked about and of being given an opportunity to splurge. This disposition exists, in a greater or less degree, in everyone's make up. If it be turned in the rigl t direction, it is praiseworthy ambition; if in the wrong direction, it is the source of many of the most disagreeable of ,per sonal traits. The tendency of examinations is iin the latter direction exclusively. The custom of striving after marks is harmful to the memory also. Students will commit dates by the dozen with the full expectation of forgetting every one of them a week after the examination. This is not a habit to be encouraged. The memory can not retain everything, and nothing useless should be thrust upon it. The process will weaTcen it, in stead of strengthening. A few facts are 'to ibe com-