, O - i - 4- ('-vAte ? j& w . V, 6' !B'H W Lll M A A - Ky, . - "vt" iiteSt2-i ''SKf'-' . u ' ,LBESS)EY, Pi'-AOTCttAadf,' , '' .' 'kill Wrf M,?' UNIVERSITY Nr.ttKH WSV ' SP? $&- safcfcvr.'.. 'tffi' !,"!' r'". ''?' r"': '. ' ' ' ' "J , ..( i ii .astr v V' " (--. i tYi Wr'j- Rtp'.i : ' .i , h u -' m '- frV'iv' .jr K3-. ' .,, . , . W. I"" mov -.;. i ' '.'" ,t,T . Ik' ' . , raff if'f ' ''' 5 ffi'' sAmtmMl pioiosiional court'ai shalLfrore time Id time be MM! , Thie advantages are offered to i& fret 0 charge ff MMM without regard torsex or race, or place" of residence, , ti4e conditioap peHwiing tlie irtteUectwal and Moral , qMHMttoiw requisite for admission to shcb an institution. THE IiXTIN SCHOOL. CHA.S. K. BENNETT, 8. A., PKINCIPALt Hi iaifc'scnool preparation is afforded for the Undergraduate - 'Ciiiijin.Qte CoLLKGjfc of Literature, Science and the Arts, and! also for those m the Industrial College. Tfctf preparatory studies run through two years Applicants istfiislhrion,to the Fkst Year will be examined on the foV oiirkif ' Mibjeis ; MngKtk Grammmr, Arithmetic, Getgrdfkf UMty. rfthtpmitd Ststts. Graduates of high schools accredited' for the Minor Course (now including AsWand, ColunriMS, Fairmont, Friend, Gibbon, Harvard, Hebron, , lfcCbcv Nortli Loupi Ord, Red Cloud, Sutton, TecumMtj, yiyaset'askl Wilber) are. admitted to the Second Year class svMWtMeatUM' of diplomas- THE- COLUEG& OF LIjriRATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS. 'cMARUU K. BMMtY, Pk. D., NUN, ' j fm. CMsCoUsfsJare offered tkrtt Coursrs iShufy, deelgnat ' t'as'lsm CLAMJCAL,.th ScMTiric,,ad Ida ,LlTARJr BsMUstg't nt dagnMs of B.A'.R.Sc.t and S.L. vaapeenret. .-'... QMaOsi of the Latin School or of the high ickooi, "'sosssdltsd for the Major Course (including now Alma ittuios, Edgar, Fremont; Grand Island, Kearney, Llnosin, . WsWsstn Qty, Platbaiouth and Tefcamah) arf ahstd to t '( "tsisiimsn oiass on prssoataticn of diplomas. vH lTrm.itsKv'W)F-$'1&;irt.ibi. A A I ."..... ... w MmS tfiM. . 41 l -.. . Ji ' i -. I . ,j.. . . ... ..!., 'l!?1. , .' . :WWlillll-li'oiftlmVpubaduc , - '. THlllWlttjeAL CCtaWI. .,,,,,, ... , . g incaiifa. It aims to eemtlnue and complet the work L.i,,,,; .' '"" .;"ihBh'nblfc:sehols, and secure to aU an ofctnsiUs; WiU, ---.'' 'Mimmm cmdti in Mtairi and sciience and in such tech' r- -'Tt ' ' . . : .." V rt LBwil-.XH incita, rk. or, Th Cones m Agriculture offers a liWrai sciences which bear upon the Arts; of Hortieuhnrn, Agsiiwl tut, Stock Growing and other rural occupations.' The- Course in Qvil Engineering offers, such tsaininf. m will Ac a young man for the practice of civil et Students in this, college, attend classes, with the uniYorefcr students, arid have eVery advantage, afforded"; hy contact with those studying in other departments, and the instruction of" trained and experienced University Professors. For those who can spend but a year of two in study j'an AHrricntirr trmrac iifritsjiHrr nu iwrn urvasurjui. Mr. ; ,. , ranjemen;s nave recenu oeen compieteu wnereoy stnaents ' .. in the Agricultural course may obtain rwuuwativ omniuv! raent at rates rangiag from IJ to aj centiper hw,-'i!ifttd' ent ut Ht oMMty of wocic. ' 'f. SCHOOL OF THE.FINE ARTS. V'AW'gfe ) , 3L JffQlMnfffl , , . r lTlirirTfllWfnf Mirw MOORE AHA COOSMUU. ..- :"'-. y.-. . a . . .- J ... V. , - .4 ' - , V .! " imniuiw prwi m oiwwing asm pasmwg isom.HM na4,M .WSg stiU Ut, natttre, and, modaU in, tke progmsniya cider. Piftts m are rarred to provide esk imd matormt: a ample sola-' V.. ,t: lion of casts and studlaa is rwaished hi tfco studio. The :'-' V1 ehcffosdasVlossoM during is woslss bjj.08, payaU in advance. Fine instruction is given to elsmmJa MitWtai'. t T1Tlr Snalni mil Trii tl f'jM ? '. ' - "-r-'"' .&. Tnc Comrea m Uuaic indudea iintrnatio on th Prnma ' -i ----' j " tL - i . . " .r:'.' -- "" 'P r' TTT Twnmwng am iJBsaaiti mossy ;;, v-t JTSOS (or llMhvtdtllU or cIim inrtmdtan 'Mil I - .. "- " ' - " - Jt . m .... It. . . . 1 rvt tww gr ww mrormwpo atmty wvwm ammmnVt . h I. SFLUiVKKrENUtMMi , t . a i" V ' 'i 'iJ '",': -( M f . S , 4 V : 1-4.", ., H. W. KF.frjTl': :Rtite ..-.w t v MiM:4;r,A '- -w- -'f.,--. F- fmVv., j"i . sT? .'".' A ' TVV. W" . YT" el ft.OIW G -a.f ".!,- -1 :W;i L,- ZiXaifi . t m ywaiiiiiw ' ''T7".",'Tt",T' 'L . W. .:. ' ('' .' wi-: I PWnfv WhCT M. OT .'3 $f wSirW'. '1i Bafiv: ffsE. Blja'wc;' ;...,-.. .,..t..'V' '- . .ii-, i f'-rf.'.t. . ;v,""--.-W'0" .,'. . Z.-V- ; ':: -l-..; i-1' ,-r KHrVi'-. i .,.' . .i " 1 i- .MVr,.'. i .,'. . ,-t.ii .,,- ' ' , ... .ij...M,'.rF.b,.. . i .. , ' -i i - " ' ' ' . flrf'.rrS' w ".' l. '.', &V , -. .1J. PHOTOGRAPHR OF , THE C AMTAI"CITY. r i'"tl .i r-:m w '',,,iCnri.jij ' - .. ii" wm STRICTLY . FIKMLASi. Wm& ii.'-'V 'CmjU s$ OStrttt. Nirtk'SUt. F ".-. r "I . T, ..".'.'..-:. .ffln?'' ''-. '' -'.v. i . 4-,. ? &&m ,4 ji'. .i'-r-r,( r.'i v " '. t . . ,;a :,.'. ' " .... ' 1 .''. ,;,wi ' ' ''.-, ,'v ''.,, .,'. .' . ' . ..!,' H. . ' v. .C f ...: i '.'-' " " ': -VV ''aa ?v-.ssa ' -. 0 a...j i V 'it OJmI WtiiJt-u w'-' ' - " " .J '. ,' V !' , -K'-. .s,p'"-1 -vHgMi t1w.''&Ai riSSSrfL MnfffnOsmraBsm r :' '"wrfapf-B'y Aim,i'igasfmY w'- - ".--.Ag&ii ..,i