IS 77 A HESPERIAN. The Globe One Price CLOTHHsTGr t HOUSE. '1 he leading establishment in the city for Kery gaiment waiianted to fit equal to custom made. A special invitation is extended to students to examine out new fall stoc k. Corner 0 and Tenth Stteet. IS M. RISKK1.D & CO., Proi'uiktors. f Acid Phosphate, I'lcpiicti .n.cmiini; lu ilu hu i no-. it Plot. 1'.. N. IIosiokp, ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Exhaustion, Headache, Tired Brain. And all Diseases arising from Indigestion and Nerve Exhaustion. This is not compound "patent medicine," but a pteparation of the phosphates and phosphoric acid in the form required by the system. It aids digestion without injury; and is a beneficial food and tonic for the brain and nerve-;. It makes a delicious drink with water and sugar only, and agiees with mu h stimulants as are necessary to take. Descriptive pamphlet free. Rnmford Chemical Works, .ft-ItKWA-KH Or IMITATIONS.. Providence, R. f. H i H PALDINGf ATHLETIC V GOODS' and Outdoor W For Indoor SPORTS. mm 1'fcrtlcnlor Attention ilrrn to FiirnlAliIng GYMNA SIUM HUriI.IK8. SEND FOR Kline CATALOOUK TO nwwl AiUifif aiding &srosi MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. . ;; Oovk lt.,i it. , n r, ,,m , ), , -, , , ,., ,m,. yeakmg without ,te It ty unhk, , , syUems. 1 nacy condemned by Supreme Court, Gieai inducements to t on espondence tosses. unrhnnCTt! w '"'PP1"10"? of "r. Wm, A. Hammond, the orhMnmcd Specialist in Mind Diseases; Daniel Grccnleal tor of the Chruhan Advocate-, Uictard Proctor, the scicn list, Hon Judge Gibson, Judah 1. Honjaniin, and others son. ,,! free by Prof. A 1 OlSETTK, 237 nnh Ave,N v! MMflMUfhmi ES5H1H9