Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 15, 1888, Image 9
. 7HE HESPERIAN. malwwbl wmm WiP H & Leading Clothiers & Gents Furnishers. 1 20 - 122 NORTH TENTH STRET, East Side of Pcstoffice Square. Cadet Suits a Specialty, Cadet Gloves 10 cents a Pair. Students will do well to Examine our stock and get prices. R. H. OAKLEY, Makes a Specialty of the Best and Cleanest Hard and Soft Coals. A full line always on hand. Office North East corner nth and O St. U. P. Ticket office. Clason, Fletcher, & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HOOKS, STATIONERY, FICTURES, TOYS, ETC. RKTAIl.KRS IN NEWS, MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS. All Periodicals arc Cash in Advance. arc a-io So ix st. 6((gHC&0C PHO TO GRAPHER, Docs the most artistic work to be found in the city EXAMINE HIS WORK. CAMNETS REDUCED TO $3 PER DOZEN. LUNCH HOUSE, OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. 1026 O Street, LINCOLN, NEIL Victor & Dalby, DENTISTS. f)erjtitfy h all it Brtircle. 1034 O Street, - LINCOLN, NEB. Chinese Laundry, 217 NORTH ELEVENTH Satisfaction Guaranteed. Students especially invited to try our work. D. F. EASTERDAY. Lessons given on Piano, Organ and varions band instru ments. Terms Reasonable. Room No. 2, State Block. Residence 2530 Vine St Brown's Oyster House. -AZLNTID ZEIESTTJIRIISrT. Oysters Cooked in Every Style to Perfection. Meals at all Hours. Banquets gotten up on short notice. Windsor Block, N and nthSts., Lincoln, Neb.