Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 15, 1888, Image 10
-tev i- ! THE HESPERIAN 5l ji . ja "P.--Br i - MS i i.. . SliB Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R. I. 3-BEWAKE OF IMITATIONS.. PALDING ATHLETIC GOOD Fer Indoor and Outdoor S SPORTS. Partlcnlar Attention clmi to KurnUMuGY3UiA BIC'H BL'IWLIES. EEKD FOH FREE CATALOGUE TO BEST A. 0. Spalding & lrS&: B f H MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Any book learned in ne reading. Mind wandering cured. Speaking without notes. Wholly unlike artificial 'systems. Piracy condemned by Supreme t ourt. Ui eat inducements to correspondence classes. Prospectus with opinions of Dr. Wm. A. Hammond, the world-lamed Specialist in Mind Diseases; Daniel Grccnlcat Thompson, the great Psycologist; J. M. Ituckley, D. D., editor of the Christian Advocate; Richard l'roctor, the scien tist, Hon. Judge Gibson, Judah I. licnjamin, and others, sent post free by Prof. A. LOISETTE, 237 Fifth Ave, N. Y. HcrsforJs Acid Phosphate, Prepared acceding to the directios of Prof. K. '. Hosiord, . ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR Dyspeftsie, Nervotisness, Exhaustion, Headache, Tired Brain. ' ' And all Diseases arising from Indigestion and Nerv Exhaustion. This is not compound "patent medicine," but a preparation of the phosphates and phosphoric acid in the form rexuired by the system. It aids digestion without injury; and is a beneficial food and tonid for the brain and nerves. It makes a delicious drink with water and sugar only, and agrees with such stimulants as are necessary to take. Descriptive pamphlet free. 7', .t 1 1 . I