THE HESPERIA N. :il IM published by law, and hence he has had a new edition printed at his own expense which will be on sale. The University studies. Appearing in No. i, Vol. I, dollar I, and stimulating Robertson to write a rival article on the "Advisibility of dropping a verb class in Fiench namely, the irregular veib class." Russell. In the sand hills, training a plug to make a race horse, and going to countiy dances. By the way, when he got home he found his best girl mauicd to a saloon keeper. Take warning and don't fool with him. Webber. Eating "doctoied" watermelons until he didn't know his own clothes. He also made full use of Sunday nights to such an extent that wc began to look upon him as a Hardined sinner. Occastonly in his Lucyd intervals when he is not troubled so by vaiicd hallucinations, sphitual or other wise, he acts as the noblest prohib among them all. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. l'AI.I.ADIAN SOOU'.TY. W. N. Fletcher President Miss Minnie Moore Vice-President H. llcfllcmnu Recording Secretary D. D. Forsyth Music Secretary Miss Edna Bullock Ass't Music Secretary Laura Haggard Critic T. H. Maisland Treasurer E. B. Graham Corresponding Secretary UNION SOCIUTY. C. W. Bigclow 1, esident Miss Nellie Clenen Vice-Pi esident F. W. Russell Secretary L. R. Holmes Critic Misses Hyatt and Pound Sergeants at Arms i'iui.oicr.AN SOCIBTY. Miss Rachael Mauley President Clark F. Anslcy Vice Piesident Miss Hattie M. Cuilis Secretary L. S. Storrs f Treasuier W. L. Stephens Critic Ed. C. Lewis Seigeaiit at Arms STRAY PICK-UPS. Well, lieie we nie again. Now is the time to subsciibi'. A coin dodgei- the prohibitionist. W. C. Knight visited his alma matur Sept 15. The voice ol the niliscriptimi agent is heard in tho land. Thcie is nothing small about the Senior lints except what is in them when In use. Buy of ouradeit!seis and lull them you saw llieii adver tisement ill Till'. llKSI'liKIA.N. Miss Grace Pershing went to Valentine July 4 i. dulivei the recitation ol the occasion. Tilings easily passed over the hedges sui rounding the college farm walei melon patch. Russell is electing English litei.ituie because he can get six nice volumes ol Chaucer for S3. 50. G. A. Bceehei is now teaching in Keainey. It is doubtful whether he evei letuins to school again. J G. II. Rogcis, one of our alumni, aceoiding to Judge Mason, has gone to Columbia tostudy law. A new law has been made which forbids .1 student to Make, study, legistei foi, 01 pursue" moie than twenty hours per week. This was thought necessary to prevent the stu dents killing themselves. The office was used as a store loom by everyone in town for base ball and tennis goods this summer. Conway McMillan, '85, has an article in fhe Chicago Current on "Amciican Authors and British Reviewers." Students, patronize the merchants, who advertise in Tin: Hksit.rian; it will be money in your pocket and will help us. 'We have met the students and they are ours." Annual. Now let the dollars be planked down and let the work go on. Some books of college songs have turned up. The warb lets will warble, cage them and discourage them how you will. If the authorities think it is a pleasure to drill in the high grass on the west fide, just let them go out there and try it. Well, now, Stephens is laid up too! Of couise a sprained ankle is the cause. However it happened is more than we know. A number of students visited a prize light in town a few days since. Another example of the advantages of a. higher education. Webber and Kramer, the prohibitionists, came out photo graphically and biographically in the New Republic of September 14. The janitoiial force of one seems unable to clean out the 100ms and make them presentable. The dust in the morn ings is dreadful. One of the first things the new student should do after paying Si for Tub Hksit.kian for one year is to make the acquaintance of Mr. John Green. H. N. Pound has accepted a position as Professor Besscy's assistant i:i botany. This is owing to the increased work of the professor as acting chancellor. Mr. Marsland has been forced to postpone the beginning of his school work because of sickness. At this writing he is on the mend and expects to be in school soon. We understand that Professor Hunt met the ex chanc. on the street one day, and, after passing, turned around and called out "Say, Chancellor, what are you doing now?" It is said that the authorities nie endeavoring to induce Mr. John Green to accept the chnir of political economy. The Seniors have been walling anxiously for his letter ol ncceplaucc. The latest on Aliny is pretty good. Fearing that the girls would inspect the column of ages in the military register he signs his age 17. Upon looking back two years they found ii 22. Not quite eligible. There is a box of nialeiial belonging lo somebody down in the office which is a menagerie and circus in itself. Never mind wailing for Barnuni, but come down and see it that is if you aie chniactcri.ed by a sound constitution. Of all the embryo mustaches which appealed at opening chapel, Fletcher's was decidedly the worst. He seems to have peicieved this, and it is now minus. Almy's is all right. There aie no Hies on that it,s too small. We hfar that Michael, Raphael and Gabiiel may theii tubes increase -congregated themselves together in a pio cathediiil and theie anathematized, cast foith and excommu nicated all those who did not pai take of the sacrament in their piesence. The non-conloimist,. who aie thus sulTeiing beneath the ban of llie IMy Roman (?) Empiie weie sinci seen sullused as to theii countenances with a ihuudei cloud.