Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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liberal and radical than they were immediately after the civil
war. Prejudices arc beginning to wear away and men begin
again to think for themselves instead of allowing others
to do it for them. They arc ready to assert their individu
ality, a,nd for this we offer our enthusiastic praise and support
in their behalf.
As the national election approaches the interest and zeal
that has been manifested throughout the campaign on all
side.., deepens. As students, we naturally affiliate with the
party oi our choice; but, is our choice based upon prejudice
or conviction? This is a question we should ask ourselves in
all seriousness; and answer it candidly and promptly. In
such an election as this, enthusiasm is apt to lead us farther
than we should really like to go. This is invariably the case
when there are more than two candidates in the field, with a
possibility of electing but one of the two leaders. Men who
naturally believe in the doctrines advocated by the weaker
parties will desert and ally themselves with a party that
stands some chance of being a winner. They either want to
be on the popular side, or else prejudice for a rival prompts
them to desert the party of their choice. They do not stop
to debate the question with themselves, but guided by the
impulse of victory they seize a torch, don a badge and begin
to shout. In such an age as ours, when prejudice and
ambition rule, to a great extent, we need honest, intelligent,
thinking men to battle in the political arena. We do not
want such men to manipulate our political parties as were
represented in the recent republican congressional convention.
Let us then, as students, make up our minds to vote for
principle, and if we differ from our neighbors let us have the
satisfaction of knowing that we differ honestly.
From the way that the smallest senior of a lately departed
class said good-bye to his dearest, it is not too much to say
that he is built somewhat upon the principle of a steel trap.
No further remarks are necessary for those interested.
My suspicions have been aroused by the number of
students who carry colds on Saturday morning. Something
must be the matter. Moonlight, apparently, is not conducive
to good health. Either the gates have refused to shelter
the star gazing couples or else someone heats the clock strike
twelve before the front door closes. Some one should rise up
and explain. The circumstances attending Saturday morning
colds, are to say the least, suspicious.
During the summer months it was not an uncommon
occurrence for an affectionate couple to swing themselves in a
hammock beneath the shadow of the tiecs on the campus.
Of course a hammock is endurable to an affectionate couple
only in the evening.
It is rumored that the janitorial force of this institution
have a particular dislike for swinging in a hammock. It
seems to be an inconsistent dislike however, for a week
after the beginning of warm weather the hammocks swung
in peace upon the campus, hut one evening the senior officer
of the janitorial force went upon the warpath. He whetted
his knife upon his bootleg and stealthily approached the
nearest hammock. Apparently the ccntci of gravity was in
the cent i e of the hammock, at least, it was not at either end.
The lope suddenly parted at the end nemest the wrnthy
janitor. The couple in the hammock seemed to have a
"falling out." That hammock ceased to swing.
Further oh was another hammock. The senior officer of
the janitoral force approached on tiptoe. He caught a
glimpse of the fairer one in the hammock. His wrath for
the hammock was directed against the other occupant of the
hammock. "Git right out of this hy.ir hammock," he blurted;
and by the aid of a grip on the coat collar he jerked his
apparent rival out of the hammock.
A moment later the respected senior officer of the
janitorial force was seen snugly ensconed in the hammock
but not alone. "Consistency thou art a jewel." Evidently
our senior officer of the janitorial force places an equal
value upon consistency and a pretty girl in a hammock.
A great invention was recently patented. It is an article
hitherto unknown in some buildings. The invention has not
been offered to the public for the lack of men to handle it.
It is modeled after a peacock at least it has feathers. It is
a very desirable article. The inventor calls it a dust brush.
In conversation with the 'chief engineer ot a big brick
building north of R street, he stated that if the proper
officials would furnish a dust brush and a' man to wield it, it
would be a possible task to reveal the true and original color
of desks and chairs. The advent of this needful article and
a proper attachment will be hailed with joy by 389 persons
who would like to make the acquaintance of Job and
compare notes.
M. I. Higelow. In Minnesota.
Tingley. Compromising with Satan.
Pound. Making nocturnal pilgrimages.
PiofessorEdgien. Lecturing at Chautauqua.
Professor Barber. Camping with his family at Milford.
Everybody.1 Acting as witnesses on the chanc.-ante chanc.
Conway McMillan. Going out to West Lincoln at mid
E. 11. Eddy. - Singing "The Hull Dog Over the Garden
Professor Fontaine. Holding down a dining room chair
at the college farm.
Professor Bcssey. -Traveling in Europe, spending the
most of his time at Kew.
J. G. Smith. At the college farm investigating the chem
ical composition of the yellow on the back of the potato bug,
C. W. Bigclow.--On the banks of the Antelope as the
moon rose over the street-car stables; also playing lawn
Dales. Making people hunt for him, and preparing to
"buzz" the next legislature for a boiler house and a library
John Green. -Swearing at the boys, especially "Bob and
the Kid," for playing ball, with the end of the cannon shed
for 3. back stop; also putting in window lights.
Fifer. Living in peace and brotherly kindness with
the world until fair time, when he was hauled up and
robbed of a pewter watch, two meal tickets and thirty-seven
The Regents. Getting convinced that the university
could do without a chanc. Also putting sand burs under the
tail of the contractor for our new buildings to make him
hurry up.
Dr. Billings. -Lassoing the germ of swine plague, and
getting out his bulletin, which, by the way, is the finest
production on that 01 any kindred subject ever presented in
the United States, The gieal demand exhausted the edition