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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1888)
iuju.iij.jh. ii - ii THE HESPERIAN. RICHMOND STRAIGHT CUT No. i CIGARETTES. Cigarette Smokers who arc willing to pay a little more than the price charged for the ordinary trade Cigarettes will find THIS BRAND superior to all others. The Richmond Straight Cut No. i Cigarettes arc made from the brightest, most delicately fla vored and highest cost Gold Leaf grown in Virginia. This is the old and original brand of straight cut cigarettes, and was brought out by us in the year 1875. Beware of imitations, and observe that the firm name as below is on every package Allen & Gintkr, Manufacturers, Richmond, Va. 1 jgxlladinn jgitcntrt; Mocictg, Forma Mentis sEterna est," Regular meetings cvory Friday ovonlng commencing promply nt 8 o'clock, Studonts and srangors welcome Qontlomons debat ing cmD moots ovory aatnraay evening J. G. SMITH, Prcs. Lad 1 08 club moots Friday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. A. PIZEY, Secretary, For strictly pure and freshly made CAITDIES, -Call at Candy Kitchen, ' 142 South Twelfth. THE MOST MODEST MAN IN TOWN D. C. Mosher, THE FLORIST. But he docs claim to have som of the handsomest flowers eve grown. Suitable for balls, parties, etc. Apply for them, CORNER MASONIC TEMPLE. JUniverfitg Union, "Litterae cumclegantia mundmn agant." Moots every Friday evening in Union Hall Students and strangers cordially invited. Debating Club ovory Saturday ovtfnlng, opon to all. All meetings commonco promptly at 8 o'clock . ROSCOE POUND, Pros. MISS BONNELL, Secretary. I f Artistic Portraits. New Studios 1029 O St. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA C. A. SHOEMAKER, M. D. UOMOEOI'ATIIIST. 136 S. nth St. Telephone 685, Lincoln, Neil N. R. HOOK., M. D. LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. Office, 122, 123 and 124 Burr Block N. E. corner 12 nnd O St. Telephone 548. Take Elevator on O St. Residence, 1629 Q. Telephone 532. Diseases of Women, Urinary and Rectal Diseases a Specialty. Treats Rectal Diseases by the Brinkerhoff Painless System. ghihdicean ifcrxrn aciefs "Nulla vestigia retrorsum." Moots ovory Friday ovoning commencing at eight o'clock promptly. MISS BEN EDICT, Pros MISS LOOMIS, Socrotary. ii. fc. I.3WJTE, JH. M).y Ofllce 1125 N Street. Telephone No 9. ALL THE BOYS Take tho GIRLS TothoOldltolIablo Candy Kitchen. For tlio best Candles in tho City, 142 S.12th M. II KVEItlTT. j. n. iiAOOAnD. Tel. 683. 1320 Q St., Tel . 242 Drs. EVERETT & HAGCARD, BURR BLOCK, Rooms 29, 30 and 31. Office Telephone 535- 67jg(c&0C PHOTOGRAPHER, Docs the most nrtistic work to be found in the city EXAMINE HIS WORK. CABINETS REDUCED TO $3 PER DOZEN. Clason & Fletcher, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in BOOKS, STATIONERY, PICTURES, TOYS, ETC. RETAILERS IN NEWS, MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS. All Periodicals are Cash in Advance, arc. a.-o o, 11 st. A. T. LKMINO. A. T. LEMING- & CO., 1106 O STREET, Booksellers and Stationers. ARTISTIC PAPER HANGINGS. MOULDINGS, WINDOW SHADES, FANCY GOODS, PHOTOGRAPH AND ARTISTS MATERIALS. LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. THE- MOHARGH Lyman s Billiard Hall. No. 134 !. nth Street. i a