Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 01, 1888, Image 1
THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY of NEBRASKA. Vol. XVII. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, JUNE i, 1888. No. XVII THEHESPERIAN (HESPERIAN STUDENT.) Issued semi-monthly by the Hesperian Publishing Associ ation, of the University of Nebraska. C. F. ANSLEY, Editor-in-Chief. associates: G. W. GERWIG, '80. - - - Literary. O. W. FIFER, '89. - Miscellany, T. S. ALLEN, '89. - - - - Comment. II. PETERSON, '90. - Local. W. W. ROHERTSON, '89. - - - Exchange. Husiness Manager Assistant. - Geo. H. Tinker E. E. Gillespie, terms of suiiscription: One copy, per college year, One copy, one college term Single copy, $1.00 35 .10 advertising rates on application. Address all communications to The Hesperian, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. EDITORIAL NOTES. The present nine of the University has the idea that it can play ball. The University thinks so too, and we, as an insignificant part thereof, agree. But a trial should be made of the skill of the nine, for, if it is as able as we think it is, the knowledge of an honorable victory would more than cheer us; and if it falls short of our expectations the lesson of a defeat would be a wholesome dampener to our ill founded pride. So far there has been no difficulty in winning every game from our opponents in the other colleges of the state; but it should be remem bered that this is hardly a severe enough test to furnish ground for self congratulation. What we need is comparison with other western universities of equal, or approximately equal, rank. Now, the report has reached us that Iowa City and Lawrence have good ball players; and it is safe to suppose that Cornell college, at Mt. Vernon, Iowa, and some others, are not very far behind. Of course it is too late to attempt the formation of a western intercol legiate league this year, but something of the sort should be not only attempted but done next year, before several of the best of our players take their degrees. Now, it is needless to state that the con dition of the purses of the U. of N. students is not such as to make any extended ball playing tours pos sible, but we could surely afford one trip to Iowa City. If the clubs of Cornell and the other colleges of Iowa would do this, a tournam int of great interest might be held. It might be more courteous to await an invitation from Iowa City, but then it might not be so safe. Then again, the Lawrence nine and the nines from the western Iowa colleges could meet here,! a, an intermediate point, and a second tourna ment could be held in this way. This is certainly a bold scheme, but we ought to begin to play ball in earnest next year, if ever, before, as we have already said, some of our best players leave us, and while our chances of victory are yet good. When an experiment has been tried and the result is successful, the experience is usually taken as an incentive to further efforts in the same line. But, strange to say, the eminently creditable annual of a few years ago bids fail to be the last and only one of its kind. Those who have seen the Sombrero and have compared it with the annuals of other colleges and universities will agree with us in assigning it to a high place among its species; and nothing but lack of enterprise prevented the publication of as good a one this year. When all else is ready, surely western students ought to be able to furnish the requisite amount of "push." This is not too soon to begin active preparations for next year's annual, if there is to be one, for the editors, should be chosen either this term or the very first of next, so that they may be on the lookout for items all the year, and may write up the happenings before the enthusiasm has cooled. The classical and scientific clubs of the University are now so prosperous that lasting success is no longer doubtful; and the time is not far distant when they will be regarded as important features in Uni versity life. A short time ago, when these organiza tions were only prospective, the schemes were thought extremely visionary. It was said that the students were given enough of the classics and the sciences in the recitation room and the study. The wise few, however, maintained the theory that there may be recreation as well as work in the studies of the curriculum; and this theory has been satisfactory R II