The University of ,1' NEBRASKA MP?.' IRittG J. MANATT, Ph.D.LL. DVGhanlIpr,, ? -tv ' -ft Terms begin Seft. if, tMj, Jan. 3, md Mr.lq i9$t. , it'.., '"''' The University is the head of the public educational sys- i: - tern of the State. It aims to continue and complete the work t begun. in. tlie public schools, and secure to all art opportunity fti. . cr ttV "&. ,1 1 .::, '?'''" . VTHE INDUSTRIAL COLLBOKf "i, ". ' v miiv.'Mi r nmir w ... -. ., .. . -rrr-,' fc3& of 'liberal culture in literature and science, and in such tech? niral anrl nrnfaaamnal riSnrs ac lia!V frfitn' time to time be SH'-.- added. These advantages are offered to all freeof charge far $,.;, tnitUn, without, regard to sex or "race, or place of residence, - ;v (oh me soie conaiuon ot possessing uie imeueciuai ana moral '"-' ' j;..' 'isiB'iir .- y... i ' ' . . !. t i?...t.. (jujuiBCRiions requisite lor xummiun 10 smcii an insmuuuii. . ' ". i. ' J ;' ; " THE LATIN SCHOOL. .. CHAS. B. BENNETT, B. A PRINCIPAL. lit 'this school preparation is afforded for the Undergraduate Coursesrin the College of Literature, Science and the . Arts, and also for those in the Industrial College. hs-' The preparatory studies run throunh two years. Applicants frtr fic1mi:cinn to t1ii FJrct Vihr will io vnm?nfwl nn f)i fnl. Ifji- -... ... . ..-. . -. ..... .- - ..- .-. . '! lnwmv culupn JttntrHrh (Imtuttinf iritkutttir (lnttta4ih'U K: .--t--;--"-j" . .. & - "-, i f-Av ,, high schools, accredited, for 'the filinor Course 'Inow inc'ucHnf 'FnlrrnonL Friend. Othhrm. TThf. "-.-vr -i - '-- ..., . , , ard, Hebron;, McCook, Suttonj Red Cloud and Wilber) are ujHiteu lo.ine eccna veacciass on presentation o uipio m-a;' '----.,' "& THE COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS. LUCIUS A. SHERMAN, ,?H. D., DEAN. In th'w College are offered three. Courses ef Study, designat- f i;'-1,'.' the Classical, the Scientific, and the Literary, ;. ,Uadjng to the degrees oFB. A.f B. Sc, and B L. respectively. i? ,' Graduate of the Latin School, or of ike high school ac-, uimiu wmnu, jvcmncj, ouiLuwi, iciwi.ti wiiy, x'lniuimuHvn ' aRd TeVo.Miak are admitted tn tlic. Frcsliman rlasa on nrpsn. !Vation of ;diploaas. i The Course in; Agriculture, blTw a HbMl dttCAttm k th sciences which bear upon the Arts of Hortkulbirf, Artsul ture, Stock Growing and other rural occupeikme, The Course in Civil Engineering offers snciiMtistBg wltt fit a young man for the practice of civil engltiMClii$ Students in his college attend clawat witKoer iniVriity students, and have every advantage alfordtd by contact wik those'studying in other departments, anl the instruction 4' trained and experienced University Professors. For those wljo can spend but a year or two In study, an Efcmentary Course in Agriculture has been arrranged. Ar rangements have recently been completed whereby Stw4entJ in the Agricultural course may obtain remunerative employ ment at rates ranging from 15 to 25 cents per how, depend ent upon the quality of work, Board at $1.75 pet week up the Experimental Farm. SCHOOL OF THE FINE ARTS; . . . ' MISSES MOORE AND COCHRAN. ' . ,.".' l' Instruction given in drawing and pninting horn ttf 'fct,ctt still lile, nnture, and models in the urogreh are required to provide easels and nutfeertal; an lion of cants and studies are ntrnblMd in, tb sjmH. TW; charge for daily lessons during I wiwks jk $$lOk PH in advance. Free instruction it givnn to clnenen In Aft Hlsns ry, Plastic Anatomy and Pempectivn. - " The Course in Musk includns iaatmcUon on tka Ftasw Forte, Organ and Violin, Voke-trninissf and IfusJoat TnsMryi Fees fer individual ot class instruction art nKMsesnln. For catalogues or fuller Information appty to thn Cnanceltec or J. STUART DA1JW. LtMom.M, Mm. i. m ' w. -:!Rfit-LiHf ; mwm. ' .'& , " . ; .' ,t' -'aI- ;' .l '-Y '. .. . . . t ' ' "(,-- ' . Tf. I -LEADING: ::;-!v .::;:;:::: I' : . " PHQTQGlAiHllft ' t -r--- jj-tf- 1 , n - zmvwt'jrfSfi.i C,B rV f- 1 1 " '" f "" ' ynififvi44 OF THE CAPITAT. CITV1 ;ki:G;TLY FIRST CLASS WORE --fV1 T.t V.W "t 'MTCl-v :. CctU)i0ffimstrtl, m,rti$ide: !!-.- "U iUiii 4n -"' ,".--.. .f-' ' - ''.,.;--: :; ..'SJV F'Tn'SF J, ""C f.W 7n ty ' z CS gSSBWBf ' rl' 3 m r.". : P? 3a .t5 ,.. 1 i 'tjs -at ft.1 ,,- 17' Ajf,l 'i9 ".K? kl .- J I ' "Via .:. ''iiMwBB ,?:1 '53 1nMl bfrr m . - -dfv