Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, January 15, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE ffESJPEXAtf.
any very good grace. If the students had lo be driven out of
the room at 830 we think the janitor might have left one jet
burning until they could find their wraps and reach the door.
The Palladian girls scratched the slate and invited
the boys lo society last week, but that was not all.
After the program seven of the boys were led up to a
large sleigh and told to get in. Their ladies attended them,
and merrily they sleighed for over an hour. The other wil
ling victims were led unexpectedly to the residence of Miss
Moore, where they played games, chewed gum, ate refresh
ments and enjoyed themselves generally.
In some prcvi'ous issues of the HusrERlAN the local editor
has shirked some of his duties and they have consequently
fallen upon other members of the board, but this time it is
different. The comps" got him down here and wouldn't
let him out till he wrote a column and a half of solid (?)
matter. But that makes no difference now for this is the last
issue for which he will have to lurnish copy. He takes this
occasion to bid farewell to all his enemies.
Mrs. Cleveland's dressmaker is a man. We have in our
midst a young man who recently manufactured a number of
doll's bonnets. The feminine portion of an infant class of a
certain Sunday school are so delighted with his work that
ihcy are continually besieging him to make more, and as a
result Mr. G. contemplates serving an apprenticeship in a
milliner store next summer? We rejoice to see the different
fields of employment open so rapidly to the young men.
The worst joke of the season was played on Mr, H last
Friday night. In common with the rest of the Pal
ladian boys he Teceivcd and accepted a young lady's invita
tion for society. On Friday evening he went for his lady and
found her with all her wraps on ready to go. They started
for the Palladian hall. The young lady's voice was unnat
ural, she had a very bad cold; but Mr. H thought it was
the strangest kind of hoarseness he had ever known. Other
things besides the voice seemed strange. Just as they
reached the Palladian doors a new idea struck Mr. H .
He viewed the matter from a hypothetical standpoint and
the truth flashed upon him, but it was too late. They were
seated. The young lady (?) removed her veil and displayed
the masculine features of Mr. B . Thanks to the ushers,
the young lady that Mr. H thought he had, sat just
across the aisle from him; but that was too near for Mr,
H . He seemed lost in meditation during the program
and as soon as it was over he sneaked away and left his part
ner to go home alone without even asking to be excused.
The Hesperian Association met last Wednesday in re
sponse to the call. The meeting was called to order by Cod
ding, and T. S. Allen was elected secretary pro tcm. C S.
Lobingicr offered an amendment to the constitution which
was in substance as follows: That the board of editors consist
of six members to be elected in January and to serve for one
year. They shall elect from their number an editor-in-chief,
who shall be ex-officio member of the board and in case of a
tie shall have two votes. The amendment was adopted and
six editors were elected in accordance with it, all to be ratified
at a subsequent meeting. The editors elect are O. W. Fifer,
H. C. Peterson, T, S. Allen, C. F. Ansley, "W. W. Robertson
and G. W, Gerwig. A. A. Reed was elected secretary, and
Geo. H, Tinker, treasurer. The meeting was adjourned for
one week. At a meeting of the board Ansley was elected
H. J. Giesler & Co., 130 South Eleventh street, have a
fine line of hats, caps and clothing and are selling them
Go to Ewing's for fur caps.
Call on Edddd. Ccrf & Cooo.
Hats and caps at Ed, Ccrf & Co's.
Cadet suits, gloves and caps at Ewing's.
Manlcy has the cream of the candy trade.
Go to Ed. Ccrf & Co. for furnishing goods.
Go to Kelly's for fine work in photography.
Clothing for every body at Ed. Ccrl & Co's,
Students go to Hutchins & Hyatt's for fuel.
The latest styles in hats at Ed. Ccrf & Co's.
Special prices to students at T. Ewing & Co's.
V. R. Dennis for spring goods in latest styles.
Webster & Briscoe, Boots and Shoes, 1023 O. St.
Students will receive best of attention at Manlcy's.
W. R. Dennis should be your hatter and furnisher.
Ten per cent off to students at Webster & Briscoe's.
You will always find Kelly on hand to do good work.
Go and see Shilling Bros., 237 south Eleventh street.
Buy your clothing of Mayer Bros., 122 Tenth strect,near O.
Manlcy keeps a full line of confectionery goods, give him a
Kelly always does well by the students. Give him a
Stetson and Dunlap hats at W. R. Dennis' under Opera
Nobby suits and overcoats at the Gloce One Price Clothing
Fine neckwear and mufilers at the Globe One Price
Clothing House.
J, and D. Newman, 1027 O Street. Oldest Dry Good?
House in the city.
Largest line of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers in the city at
Webster & Briscoe's.
Shilling Bros., 237 south Eleventh street, for drugs, sun
dries and prescription work.
If you want to get solid with your girl take her some of
Manlcy's taffy, Yuml Yum!!
Choice fruits, confectionery and lunch all the year round at
Chevront & Co's, 1191 O street.
You can buy anything in the, holiday present line at Shill
ing Bros., 237 south Eleventh street.
W. R, Dennis has the largest stock of men's fine hats and
furnishing goods. Inspection solicited.
Shilling Bros, sell the finest of stationery, perfumes and
toilet goods. 237 south Eleventh street.
Our line of holiday goods is now complete Call and see
them. Globe One Price Clothing House,
We all like ice cream of course, and are interested in find
ing the best parlor. Poehlers just suits us.
We have the largest variety of fine clothing and our prices
arc the lowest. Globe One Price Clothing House.
In New York go to Delmonico's, but in Lincoln go to
Chevront & Co's for oysters in evey style. Always ready to
serve you.
Students can have their laundry work done in first class
style by the Eureka Steam Laundry. Leave your orders at
this office.
Go to Hayden's for Pictures and have them fin
ished up with the new enameller, the latest thing in the pho
tographfc line. 1214 O St.
Jas. H. Hooper is on hand with his new Eureka steam
laundry and does the neatest work. Leave orders at this of
fice and he will call at your room.
Ewing's make children's clothing a special feature of their
business. The new stock now includes the handsomest Jtylcs.
ever bi ought to Lincoln. Be sure to call and see 'them