Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 15, 1887, Image 1

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Vol. XVI.
No. V.tf'
Issued semi-monthly by the Hksferian Publishing Associ
ation, of the University of Nebraska.
ROY CODDING, ,'88 " C. F. ANSLEY, '90
CORA E. WHITE, '88 W. H. WAGNER, '88.
Business Manager
- - - Geo. H. Tinker
One copy, per college year,
One copy, one college term
Single copy,
Si. 00
Address all communications to The Hesperian, Universit)
of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Active preparations are being made in both the
Palladian and Union societies for their oratorical
contests, which occur early in the ensuing term.
Again we wish to urge upon the students of this
institution to subscribe lor The Hesperian. It
don't make any difference whether you like the
paper, or even whether you can read. It is your
duty to support your college paper. Come in and
pay up.
The meetings of the Christian associations have
been unusually interesting and well attended this
term. It is indeed gratifying to know that such good
christian work is being done among our students.
Every student who feels an interest in this kind of
work can easily find time enough to attend these
exercises. An hour once a week can not be more
profitably spent than at Wednesday evening prayer
meeting. A feeling of friendship and common in
terest as well as renewed strength is obtained, and
students are taught to think more upon their moral
responsibility. Here is an opportunity that is not
made the most ot by many of our students. Many
who really know the advantages of Christianity are
indifferent as to ihe work being done by this associa
tion. Their regular attendance and a word now and
then said to some unconverted friend would not fail
to accomplish good. And how much more valuable
is an education when the acquired powers of mind
are regulated by sound moral principles.
Another term has come to to an end. Many
wind-broken ponies can be seen lying around the
halls gasping for breath. The heavy loads they have
carried through the final examinations have'been loo
much for their constitutions, and they have been
placed upon the retired list. The work for the term
has been unusually heavy, and it is to be supposed
that the faculty are aware of this fact. The evil effect
of this overwork is so great that we feel "justified in
speaking of it. When the student is compelled to
work under high pressure continually, little good is
derived from a four years' course. Ignorance on
questions of the day is a characteristic of our stud
ents. Many who never enjoyed advantages of a col
lege education are better posted in this respect than
we are. If a college education should do anything it
shot Id fit men to live intelligently; but this can never
be when students are compelled to spend every mo
ment in doing assigned work. The periodical liter
ature in the library is a mine of information regard
ing events of vital importance to the students. But
how many avail themselves of this advantage? We
venture to say not one out of five, who wish to do
so, reads tills literature, and for no other reason than
lack of time. The amount of required work should
be regulated so as to to allow the ;average student
time for some outside reading. But disregarding this
phase of the question, the fact that more thorough
work could be done, is proof enough that areduciion
should be made. The standard of the work would
thus be raised, and the class of students sent out
would be far better equipped for prrctical life.
The literary societies are the pride of this institu
tion and its' students. In other colleges influences
which are unknown among us have been the cause of
the formation of many societies ai.d fraternities with