Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 03, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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A. L. White has recovered from his illness and returned to
his work.
Herbert Marsland is 3 9-16 inches shorter than ho used to
be. He was reclined upon.
Prof. Swcezy, of the Chair of Sciences in Doane College,
visited the University last week.
Prof. Caldwell was so unwell for several days that he was
forced to excuse his classes. We are glad to sec that he has
The weather is ripe for foot-ball and if the enterprise and
athletic spirit is not dctunct in our boys we ought to have
such an article of vcrtu.
When Mr Anderson arose to speak in chapel about twenty
five students got up and walked out, thereby saying that they
didn't like the idea of chapel orations.
F. A. Stuff, E. E. Green and II. B. Duncanson were our
delegates to the Y. M. C. A. convention at Nebraska City.
They report a very pleasant and profitable time and a grow
ing interest in the work.
It is rumored that the Senior class will have asocial gather
ing somewhere soon but none of them will tell us anything
about it. It is generally understood that they will not wear
any hats or overcoats on that occasion.
One of the Seniors was so imprudent as to keep a young
lady (next door) out on the porch talking till she caught
cold and was sick for a week. Now the young lady's moth
er calls her in and sends our Scnioi home.
Socictatis Classical tcrtius conventus pridie Idus Novem
bris hora sccunda post meridiem in conclavi No. 13 habc
bitur. Chas. E. Bennett, Praises.
Roy Coddinc, Scriba.
President Gates, of Iowa College, the alma mater of Chan
cellor Manatt, was present in chapel last week and spoke a
few earnest words against the idea that young men have not
time for an education but must rush into business.
Work has commenced on one of our new buildings. It
is hardly likely that the contractors can keep up the high
pressure oftliree teams at once. The mounds of earth thrown
up will be used during the next few years for a Prep coast
ing slide.
The plan of dividing the University battalion into three
companies works well. The companies arc of a convenient
size and each cadet can get more special attention. The
triangular competition next June will also be more interesting
than the regular straight pull between "A" and "B".
About twenty-five of our students, including a number of
co-eds, took advantage of the free excursion to the Milford lot
sale last Thursday. The botanical students carried long tin
boxes for ornamental purposes solely. Their time was spent
in the Milford gondolas and some surprising seamanship was
As usual upon the mystic eve the spirit of mischief broke
loose among some of our ordinarily meek and lowly students.
Nothing very serious was doue, as very strict watch was kept
by janitors and steward. Many of the trees on onr campus
were nicely decorated with bolts of wall paper. A very limp
looking imitation of a corpse hung on a tree. A few signs
were placed in very inappropriate places, and one door was
blockaded with beams. We can appreciate a good joke,
which hurts no one, as well as anyone, but must say nothing
very brilliant was performed on this occasion. Much miscel
laneous "bumming" was indulged in, and many yawns in
class the next day told the tale for the guilty ones.
Our scientific club has undertaken the investigation of Vol
apuck. Ernest Newton, a student of former years was lately seen
in the halls.
The state convention of the college Young Women's Chris
tian Association meets at Crete on the iSth inst.
Fifteen petitions were circulated last Thursday regarding
chapel orations. Everybody signed after being asked ten
Chas. A. Pierce, '83, now a prosperous banker of Bennett,
has become the proprietor of a pair of twins. Education
Among the visitors of the University in the past week were
Prof. R. A. Harper and Pics. Gregory of Gates College,
Miss Manscll, a former missionary at Lucknow, India, gave
a short talk in chapel one day recently upon the state of edu
cation in that country.
Dr. Billings' lecture on Physiology, delivered before the
Scientific Club last Saturday was one of the best lectures ev
er given in this institution.
Miss Delia Stratton, '87, has been visiting friends in Lin
coln for a few days, and Miss Dunbar has been carrying the
apron covered strap in the Ashland school-room.
The Senior class now offers the following prizes, open to
the world: For best oration of Soo words, any subject; 16
mo. book, gilt edge, on "How to Stand In", by All Ye Fair.
For second best do.; a parquet ticket to lcctuie on "How
to work the Profs.", by Ye Bearded.
The excavations for the new buildings on the campus spoil
the drill and parade grounds, and we fear that even after the
buildings are constructed and the ground leveled off there
will not be room for a parade ground. How would it do to
clear the scrub trees off the north-west corner of the campus
for that purpose?
Mr. Lobingier delivered the third oration of the term in
chapel on the 28th inst. It was entirely unexpected on his
part, as he had received no notice that he should speak then,
in fact, Prof. Hunt made an appointment with him to hear his
oration for criticism on Saturday the 29th, postponing the
chapel delivery until the next Tuesday. Prof. Hunt was
away and this postponement was not known to Prof. Sherman,
so the oration was called for. Mr. Lobingier had no oppor
tunity to explain satisfactorily so he delivered his oration,
and many of the students having asked him before chapel
whether that was his morning or not, participated with Mr.
Lobingier in the surprise. The matter, however, of some of
the students in the rear starting to leave chapel, was, for the
most part we believe, the result of a misunderstanding. Our
reason for believing this we may state: Many of those who
started out told us that they did not hear the oration an
nounced, as there was much noise and they were sitting in
the rear, and when the Chancellor nodded foi Mr. Lobingier
they took it as his usual nod of dismissal. We are strength
ened in this belief by the fact that not a few of those who
started out have favored chapel oratory from the first, or at
least have used their influence against any such demonstra
tions. It may be in order right here to say a word on our
policy as local editor. We hold it the duty of of a local edit
or to publish Ihc facts, using all precaution to present them
without any coloring of personal sentiments. Acknowledg
ing human weakness, we propose to follow that principel to
the best of our ability.
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