Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 20, 1887, Page 5, Image 8
THE HESPERIA N. A A board of the sidewalk, is thrust into one's hnnd at every comer. With so many hundreds of miles of newspaper columns to be filled every day, what wonder that every child of six years has "seen his name in the paper." American citizens arc reared with the expectation of seeing themselves in print, every so often, and they wax wroth if they do not. Every granger who "goes off on a trip" must write a description back to his country paper. Every little boy, nearly, owns a printing press. Why, then, need anyone be at loss to char acterize the American? He is the fellow who uses a printing press. stua y pick- ups. Miss Daley, '87, is the city librarian. A. E. Anderson spent last Sunday at his home in Geneva. Harry Hcfllman loomed up as a Custer county proxy at the convention. Pizey's nose went back on him lately and told what kind of studying he docs. C. S. Allen, of '87, was seen in town last week. He is lo cated at Valparaiso. Miss Fannie Baker is leaching this term but returned to spend last Sunday at home. All the boys have envied W. J. Taylor for a week past. He should not make his happiness so conspicuous. Gcnvig has taken a sudden fancy to spend Friday after noon in the country. Is he after botanical specimens? Oh, no! Miss Ethel Marsland holds sweet dominion over a lot of youngsters at Roca. She attends society every Friday, how' ever. Something seems to ail the gong in the laboratory for it fails to warn students that the dread hour of tactics or drill has come. - Miss Minnie D. Cochran has been ill since the opening o the term and unable to attend her pupils. Mrs. Raymond has been filling her engagements. The scientific club has gotten under operation, added a treasurer to their list of officers and arc now prepared to down anything naw in the way of science. One Mr. Wheeler came very near taking another Mr. Wheeler's lady to society, not long since, through the blun der of the friend who delivered the verbal answer. g Strayed. From the north wall of the Palladiau Hall one photo of a brainy looking lot of girls. Rather an off stare in the eyes of some of them. Finder will be hugged within an inch of his life by all the originals on returning to President of P. G. D. C. Our talkative friend, Chas. French, is a conundrum. Last Friday eve after society he came rushing home intoxicated with delight. You know C. is a crusher; ,wd he had the gall iu boldly assert that he had made three toJid noshes that even! g. What a large heartid fellow he mus'-be! A committee of the K. P.'s asked the Chancellor and ' Steward for the loan of the Cadet Band uniforms to wear .0 Omaha last week and were referred by both these gentle men to Lieut. Dudley. They went to him and represented that the Chancellor and Steward had both given their consent so he let the uniforms go without further consideration. This will not occur again. Alvin White came home sick and is now in the grasp of ty phoid fever. One of the campus walks has been covered with crushed imestonc. Finish the job. Geo. Tinker is our new Bus. Man. He is achingfor your subscription. Ask Miss Linn about her drug store. "I'd like to get out myself." Lucia Araminta Braun. Miss Anna Harrison of York was here last Tuesday looking up matters preparatory to entering next term. J. O. Breech and A. H. Bigclow arc in partnership in real estate, insurance, loan and coal business at Grccly, Ncbr. It is thought from the graceful manner that Russell fainted after inhaling a lot of chlorine, that he is practicing for the stage. Monday, the 10th of October, was a cold day. It was es pecially cold in chapel. It was especially cold for Prof. Hunt in chapel. The attendance at Y. M. and Y. W. C.A. meetings has been good but might be better. You will not miss from 7:15 to 8 Wednesday evening and it will do you good. Try it and see. Our friend Harvey Shotwell has left school and hied him self to California on account of his health. We trust the trip will do all that is expected of it and that Mr. Shotwell may again be among us. Hugh Clcmant, a graduate of the law department of the "Iowa State,'5 was in town for several days, a guest of Mr. Pen nock and of the Phi Delta Thcta boys. He expects to practice law in Hastings. Our cadet band will be as follows: Llew Bryan, tuba; J. B. McDonald, baritone; Ernest Eaglcson, cornet; F. W. Kramer, clarionet ; Dave Rcavis, tenor; Alfred Pizey, 2nd tenor; Cam-"' pin, stfii .tenor; George Hcarn, cornet; James Hearn, B flat comet; T. L. Hall, solo alto; F. A. Noble 1st alto; Wheeler, 2nd alto; Joe Mallalieu, 2nd B flat; H. T. Westerman, 3rd B flat; Otto G. Miller, tenor; G. H. Ellsworth, piccolo; Al Beccher, snare drum; Lewis, bass drum. About a dozen of the braver freshmen wore canes to chapel the other morning, and seemed in a state of much trepida tion lest some ruthless sqphomotc might be sitting within five seats of them. When chapel was dismissed the sophomores seemed in a great hurry to get out, but no more so than the freshmen who hastened through the dqorway with their canes at a "secure." A blockade scuflling canes caught and cracking constantly pulling, twisting, jerking, grappling and all the canes were broken but one, and nobody seemed to know where it had sneaked away to. Some four or five of the contestants were still tugging away over the remains of a badly distorted cane for a trophy when the chancellor laid his hands on their shoulders and remarked that they were wanted in their class rooms. The 'statement had to be re peated a few timesb cforc those in question fully realized its force, but with some reluctance they all left the field of glory and went to read pboui the triumph of Achilles, or study the most improved method of modern warfare "a la Upton." The next morning the surviving cane entered chapel very cautiously and went out still more so, for not only were the sophomores on hand and fully determined that it shqidd not escape them, but the executives of the faculty were also in a commanding position and just as determined that it should not get out of chapel; but the poor threatened cane escaped from all its enemies and now lives a retired life of peace and happiness.