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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1887)
-r-r"wy .jn'i ft. v. yL-..jw3dw,,g T HEJNITERSITY OF. 'NE S & M s ; IRVmGai AATTPm. p., LL. p., . 7ilJ" " )! .1 '',, I.'- .! ' V" iJW?V BRA MriOt a " j i . . Vr- i n -"T" W UtPWlai'idmi': H? . . .a. . . ' 1 TtnM'togkR Sept. 1S.ISK, Jaswnry 3, and Mw ft, HJM ' .'" A .if4 (' " .""A' "'.' " 4'tfrT'" '" -''' o. ;tiiUAyTkHtrfii& ibiteedueisa - . 11 'tfAt Slt. It abm b ebuttaue nnd ebmplete the wk 7- . Jit. - '.- i' . a .11 i 5': ' iiisittpBcciKesiu secure lout " wppw"TO"y f 'i'-V -I, i 4twr Ja Uteseeuce end science, and in such tetV KV neal end nmfcssiaaal cnrmm shall from time to twit be ? ;FT ! " ded. Tlwtt advantages are oerea 10 aur cnargejor tmti7f without ref rd to ser. or race, or place of residence, on the sole condition of possessing the intellectual and aaoral qualification requisite for admission to such mi institution. THE LATIN SCHOOL. In, this school pifepairatioa is aSbtded for the Undetgraduate Courses m theCbttWHt or Literature, Scismc and the Art, end abx for those, in tbe Induitmal Cccuwi. The preparatory studies run through two years. Applicants .far admission to tht First Year will be examiu on the fol kwrtng subject ZftynVt Gnmmmr, ArUkmrtU, 'Gfky and Huiery j(f the Umttd StmHt. B Graduates of atgk schools accredited for the Minor Course fMrR Jacbjdlat Fairmont, Friend, Gibbon,, Hut ?ittd, Habroa, KcCook, Sutton, Red Ctoud and WHber) art :'---UmMd to tWt SMond Ymt etaaa on pMMMtettw of Hlo- ;;ai. a i; . - THI COLLEGE Or LIT1RATURE, SCWKCI, AKD - - THE ARTS. mm Bte'! ' ri '"r ' t- iA ,-jjft' ',J j "Wi !fln thk Collefe are lhxt& three COURSES ifShufy, decignat m tke Classical, the Scientific, asd tbi Literary, leiWHug to the deg rcet of B. A., B. Sc, and B. L. respectively. Graduates of the Latin School, or of the hif h schools ac credited for the Major Coarse (iacladiivg now Beatrice, Grand Itland, Kearney, Lincoln, Nebraska City, Hattfitwth and ;...,;; Tfawah) r admitted tbtht Freshman claw pwaentatioe TTh'' " sMni wm mpni vw THE INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. The.Couw w Arickre eAari a Mband tdiKi in the tWIWWS hbwjwp ww p tare, Stone Growing d OQMr find The OraiM In CltU Engtetwag i fit a Tonnt num for the ptmAm df 4km The eowMi have recently bean cre4irnrifeV M, now nude enal to the other eonraea e the yMhiibftf. ' dents in this ieolkge attend clataea whh Ober nMniWf 'n dents, and hate every advantage alotdvd by mtUUm wlifc thoac ttndyiftg In other deportawnta, and tfc lnaUnfam el: trainod and experienced UaJTwrtHy ftufciiun. For tboae wte s spend bnt ' yesar or "two In iMh; 'tt ' ffltoumimrv OmmrMim. 4rMwi6ar haa tmnn naiimeannV ing the first year the stndlespttftned are AiljfajBMMIOkMlfait EnMMntniy Botany, 'Zoology! Cbcnuetry amn nhgnnlMIM "ai rhiloaophy), CKJ). GoTcnuRMttty ntidleciMwepllVieWMn ture. This year of study abrda,hbjo, u laMBMlM. AttheCottofaFarm.jtiatontaid of Usi dents aany obtain boavd AT COST. an for labor bi Ihe fieldi. Oidiins liuli ewem evnAvneiaBV MmmmmW ejpsejBpnejBBBBjBjnveM ftHPwvenanesj HVHaii SCHOOL OF THE lltft AJlTS. v it! Inatractkm jrn hi drawbu; and peiatinaj tH umiik,iiatandmodeUintWprogrearfbrwar. Hfm arereqaired torode easls aadntaesrialtiai imsjIb nsfsn .. tiw of casts and studies are famished In Ae mib '" TW charge for daily lessons during la weeks k in advance. Free instruction is given to ry, Plastic Anatomy and Perspective. The Coarse in Music htchtdmt Forte, Organ and Violin, Yosoe-taigiBksj FeesW indMdnaisMf data bascrsssStesi ' . For catalcgnss be fcBer inforsantkni .nti -or r-?- - f.BV0&tt' - S '. 2M. ekMank. t'1n4".'BHB' "wHsy ":.v' 'J . . . i ; a ' " ui s 1 laJi.ilaianm r r " - ---J "'' w...i- . - - ? r - l 1 n sssssssjasssBMnsw KiiWiLiii''AN0-sirA 1 TSX1"" i3as. fl "'Jji 1 1 "ST.. ' y --v '" Vv. V- ':'m t. '. Sf M 't ' -... -..M ' '". '. ' V.