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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1887)
THE HESPERIAN. TO STTJ3DEZTTS ! S No wide awake young man, compelled to cum money for a lonir nnd exnonsive cnlWn cnurs-i. ran nflnrfl in ndnnt tri , - . f .a . , ' rt - --, .... ........ - -- iciuuus aim sngnuy rvuiuimiHiivc iiiuuiis 01 icacning, larrmng or clerking. Many young men in the cast have made enough in n uirce muiiwis vutuuoii iu pay uic ileuses 01 inc enure college year, Oy c.invnssintr lor the sale of tine stereoscopic views. You can clear from $75 $125 per month handling my goods. I want a few young men from the University to can vass ior wic wuuer icnu. &. u. u&JJUKJN, Ucn'l Agent, icc.9, K Street, Lincoln, Neb. j;ill;i(1i;tit iterarif Society. "Forma Mentis uEterna est," Hogulnr meetings every Friday ovonlng commencing promply at 8 o'clock. Students and srangcrs welcome Qontlomona debat ing club moots ovory Saturday ovonlng Ladies club moots Friday afternoon, nt 4 o'clock. O. B. Polk. l'rcs. J. R. 8choflo1d Secy. J. R. HAGGARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON LINCOLN, NEBUASKA. Ofllco 'Roonia & nnd 0, over Hnr'ov's Drug Store, llosldcnco 1320 O Street. nivcr$itii $$n'w, "Hlterae cumelegantta mutulum agant." Moots every Friday ovenlng in Union Hall Students and strangers cordially Invitod. Dobaing Club ovory Snturday ovonlng, open to nil. All mooting commence promptly at 8 o'clook . F. W. Kramer, Pres. Miss Clark, aeoy Artistic Portraits, New Studios 1029 0 St. I. NCOLN, - - NEBRASKA A f f r ITnrtv vasti exporionco in the F; reparation of more Unn nnn ITtinHtPAfl Thoiwand applications for patonU In IDO UnlCOa Dimes uuu A'utuiKii vumm trios, the publishers of tho So pntlflo Amorlcan continue to act as solicitors for patents, caveats, trado-roarks, copy- to obtain patents In Canada. England, France, inrnun;, ami an oiuor niuuuno. .uo vh-"- onco is unequaled and their faolUtles aro unaur- Drawlngs and speclflcatlons prepared and filed in the Patent Office on short notice. Tonns very ro&Ronablo. No chargo for examination of modoli or drawings Advlco by mall free PalontsobtAlnnd through Mnnn.tOo.aronotlood Inthe SCIISNTIFIO AniKfUCAN.vr liloh has the largest circulation and Is the most influent at nowspapor of its kind published In tho world. Tho advantages of suoh a notice every patentee understands. ... This large and splendidly illustrated newspaper is published WHEKIiY at 83.00 a year, and is ndm'ttedto be tho best paper devoted to science, mociianlcs, inventions, engineering works, ana other departments of industrial progrcus, pub lisnod In ny country. It contains tho names or all patentees and tltlo of overy Invention patented each week. Try it four months for 000 dollar. Mold by all newsdealers. . . If yo-a have an invention to pstent write to Munn A Co., publishers of Soleutlno Ainorleaa, 861 Broadway, New York. M . Handbook about paUnU walled free. HUTCHINS & HYATT COAL AND WOOD. C. A. SHOEMAKER, M. D. HOMOEOPATIIIST. 113 S. 1 1 th St. Telephone 685, Lincoln, Neh. W. H. Prescott, MUSIC DEALER, 1 150 O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska ifflltibiUccmi Jitemrff J?0ttc "Nulla vestigia retrorsum." Meets every Friday ovonlng commencing at eight o'clock promptly. A. E. ndorson, Prcs. Miss Sanloy. sec'y. B. L. IMJJTjE, M. II., lijvco wV, onicc 1125 N Strcot. Telephone No 9. ALL THE BOYS Take tho GIRLS To the Old Reliable Candy Kitchen. For the beet Cnndtes In tho Oily, 142 S.12th. 67Jfcpya&0c Sawed and split wood a specialty. Pint kindling. OlHco, 10-10 O Strcot. 12 3- O STREET. M.STOUGHTON DUALKll IN ! For strictly pure and freshly made Is the leading Photographer In the cilv. 1214 O Street. WALL PAPER, PAINTS, WIN- q -A IsT ID I IE S, UUW ULA&o, tlC, Painting and Artistic Dec orating. Call at Candy Kitchen, 142 South Twelfth. Clason & Fletcher, A Wholesale ami Retail Dealers in HOOKS, STATIONERY, .PICTURES, TOYS, ETC. RHTA1I.KKS IN NKWS, MAHAZINKS AND 1'KKIOIMCAI.S. All Periodicals arc Cash in Advance. IjTc.Xo: O St. A. T.LEMINO. ' B. LEMINO. A, T. LEMING- & CO., tlOO O STREET. Booksellers and Stationers. ARTISTIC PAPER HANGINGS. MOULDINGS, WINDOW SHADES, PANOY GOODS, PHOTOGRAPH AND ARTISTS MATERIALS. LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. eni