Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1887)
THE HESPERIAN. TO STUXDZEnSTTS ! No wide awake young man, compelled to cam money for a long and expensive college course, can afford to adopt the tedious and slightly remunerative means of teaching, farming or clerking. Many young men in the cast have made enough in a three months vacation to pay the expenses of the entire college year, by canvassing for the sale of fine stereoscopic views. You can clear from $75 $125 per month handling my goods. I want a few young men from the University to can vass for the winter term. E. 11. OSBORN, Gcn'l Agent, 1029, R Street, Lincoln, Neb. Olalhdwn $Uerrg Satiety. "Forma Mentis Sterna f." Regular meetings every Friday evening commencing promply at 8 o'clock. Students and grangers welcome. Gcntlcmcns debat ing club meols every Saturday evening Lad I cs club meets Friday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. O. D. Polk. Prcs. J. R. Schoflold Secy. J. R. HAGGARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Offlcc Rooms 5 and 6, over llar'cy's I)rng Storo. Residence 1320 O Street. jjniucrfitn gfmou, "Lilteraecumetegantla munition ogant." Meets every Friday owning in Union Hall Students and strangers cordially lnvitrd. Dcbumg Clnb every Saturday ovoning, opeu to nil. All meeting commence promptly at 8 o'clock . P. W. Kramer, PreB. Miss Clark, Secy msmmM ITU H I&UksSIH HI fPH Im! wm-lm 3 rtj s fe k ?l9 Tfat WW experience la the preparation of mora IUW1 vuu uuHtuw Thousand applications for nat-anU la U tfIt.J Cl.. anil ifaraifm Mnn. tries, tho publishers of tho bclentifio American continue to act as solicitors for patents, caveats, trade-marks, copy- to obtain patents la Canada. England. France, wrroaay, ua tin oiaer wunujw wrw..- ence is unnqualed and their facilities are unsur passed. Drawings and specifications prepared and filed la the Patent Office on short notice. Terras Terr reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings Advice by mail free PatenUnhUinedthroushMnmiAOo.arflnotleed Inthe SCIENTIFIC AMKUICAX.wblch has the largest circulation and is the most iniluentjal newspaper of its kind publMied in tho world. The advantages of Bach a notice every patentee understands. This largo aadaplendidly illustrated newspaper is published WEEKLY at tlOOarear, and is adm'ttedto be the best paper devoted to science, mecuanics. inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pub lisoed in ny courtly. It contains tho names or all patentees and title of every invention patented each week. Try it four months for one dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. If yon have an invention to patent write to Munn A Co., publishers of Scientific Amerioaa, 361 Broadway, new York. .... Handbook about patents mailed frsa. HUTCHINS & HYATT COAL AND WOOD. Artistic Portraits. New Studios 1H9 O St. I, NCOLN, - NEBRASKA C. A. SHOEMAKER, M. D. IIOMOEOPATIIIST. 113 S. nth St. Telephone 685, Lincoln, Neii. fjhilodicean IgUcrnrQ octetg "2?ulta vettlgla rWrorjum." Meets every Friday evening commencing at eight o'clock promptly. A. E. ndcrson, Prcs. Miss Sanley. scc'y. Olllcc 1125 N Street. Telephone No 9. ALL THE BOYS Take tho GIRLS To the Old Reliable Candy Kitchen. For tlicbcot Candies la tho City, 142 8.12th. W. H. Prescott, 1 MUSIC DEALER. j 1150O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska j 4! Sawed and split wood a specialty, kindling. Office, 1040 O Street. Pine Is the leading Photographer In the city. 1214 O Street. 12 3 O STREET. M.SOUGHTON DEALER in For strictly pure and freshly made WALL PAPER, PAINTS, WIN-josT ID IES, DOW GLASS, Etc. ! Ca,iat Painting and Artistic Dec J Candy Kitchen, Orating. J I42 South Twelfth. Clason & Fletcher, Wholesale aud Retail Dealers in BOOKS, STATIONERY, .PICTURES, TOYS, ETC. RETAILERS IN NEWS, MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS. All Periodicals are Cash in Advance. 3iTc.a.orD O St. A. T.LEMINO. B. LEMINO. A. T. LEMING- & CO., 1100 O STREET. Booksellers and Stationers. ARTISTIC PAPER HANGINGS. MOULDINGS, WINDOW SHADES, FANCY GOODS, PHOTOGRAPH AND ARTISTS MATERIALS. LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA.