THE HESPERIAN. is mmmi to dllims) r j . THE CRYSTAL STEAM LAUNDRY Will call for and promptly deliver all goods entrusted to them and finish same in latest and best manner. City Office, 119 N. 12th St. Telephone 473. "Forma Mentis Ailtrna est." Regular meetings every Friday evening commencing protnply at 8 o'clock. Students and rangers welcome. Gentiemcns ccbat lug club meets eveiy Saturday evening Ladles club meets Friday afternoon, ut 4 o'clock. W S Perrln. 1'rcs. V il Wagner Secy. J. R. HAGGARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. Onire Itooms 5 nnd 6. over Har'or's Drug More. Uesldcnco 1326 O Street. $jnivcritn JJniou, 'Lllteraecumelegantta mundum agant." Meo'scYory Friday evening in Union Hall Students and strangers cordially invited Debuiiug Club every Saturday evening, open 10 all. All meetings commcucc promptly at 8 o'clock. ' KCWiggcnuom.Pres. TS Allen, Secy. iiirlrAi I 5i mm I w e h ka an -m f Artistic Portraits. New Studios 1029 O St. LINCOLN, - NhBRASKA After FottrretlV experience la the preparation of ore than Onn Hundred Thousand applications for patents la . the United States and Foreign coan- frlM fhn tmhll.hrn of thfl ScientlHO ' American continuo to act as solicitors I for patents, caveats, traae-marKS, copy right nii- far the United States, and to ofatam patents la Canada, England. Franco, Germany , and all other countries. .Their experi ence is unoqualed sad their faoillttM are ansar- paaeea. . . , . Drawings and specifications prepared and Bled la the Patent Ofice on short notice. Terms very reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings- Adviro by mail f roe ., . Patent obtained through Mniin.VCo.are noticed lathe SCIENTIFIC AMEIUCAX.which has the largest circulation and is tho most inlluent at newspaper of iU kind published in the world. The advantages ef such a aotiee every patentee This larse and splendidly illustrated newspaper Is pe Wished WTEKKJjY at tlOsa year, sad is adurttedtfc be the best paper devoted to science, mecuaates. inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial procrcss. pub lisaed in ny country. It contains tho names or all patentees aadtitleof oeryfnYention patented each week. Try it four months for one dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. . . If yon have an Invention to patent writs t Mann A Co., bnbliabers of Soieutido Amerioaa. Wl Broadway, new York. Handbook about patents mallsd frss. HUTCHINS & HYATT COAL AND WOOD. C. A. SHOEMAKER, M. D. HOMOEOPATH 1ST. 113 S. nth St. Telephone 6S5, Lincoln, Nkii. . jQhilodicean gilcntni jocicfg ki2Tulla vestigia retrorsum." Meets every Friday evening commencing ut eight o'clock promptly. Dell Stratton, Pros. V L Stephens . scc'y. it. l. r.irjrE, .it. ., onice 1123 N Street. Telephone No 9. ALL THE BOYS Take the GIRLS To the Old Reliable Candy Kitchen. Knr the be?t Candies lu the City, 1-12 S.12th. Sawed ami split wood a specialty, kindling. Odlce, UMU O Street. riue W. H. Prescott, MUSIC DEALER. 1 150 O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 12 3 4 O STREET. M.STOUGHTON DEALER IN WALL PAPER, PAINTS. WIN DOW GLASS. Etc. Painting and Artistic Dec orating. ggfc Is the leading Photographer In the city. 1214 O. Street. For strictly pure and freshly made OAiSTDIBS, Call at Candy Kitchen, 142 South Eleventh. Clason & Fletcher's. -oIS THE PLACE TO BUYo Student's Suppliers And all Stationery Novelties. 1019O St. ' X. T.LEMUIQ. E. LEMINO. A. T. LEMING- & CO., HOG O STREET. ' Booksellers and Stationers. AUTISTIC PAPER HANGINGS, MOULDINGS, WINDOW SHADES, FANCY GOOLS, ' PHOTOGRAPH AND ARTISTS MATERIALS. LINCOLN, - r NEBJtASKA.