THE HESPERIAN, 1 vv ENGLISH CULTURE PROM BEDE TO sELFRIC. England in the middle of the seventh century consisted of seven kingdoms, and war and devastation were the order of the day. Occasionally a stronger kingdom would conquer. Then a period of quiet would prevail; but it was only the quiet that pccccds the storm, for suddenly and without warn ing some kingdom would rise in revolt. In such a state of things it Is easy to sec that civil improvement would he little thought of the terrible struggle for cxis'tence swallows up for the time all national public energy. At this time Northumbria was in the height of its (tower. The king Ecglrith undertook the extension of his northern boundary. The expedition was a disastrous failure. As sailed on the north by the l'icts, and by the king ofMerciaon the south, Northumbria barely saved herself from ruin. The bloody encounter of Wodensburh in 714, divided the country into three provinces of about equal power. As time wore on Mcrcia seemed to be gaining the ascendancy. National af fairs were tending toward a national unity; but the work of Northumbria was foiled by the resistance of Mercia, the work of Mcrcia by the opposition of Wesscx. A threefold division seemed to have stamped itself upon England, with powers so nearly equal that no efforts of one or the other could fuse them into one people. Only when the Northmen began to descend upon them can wc And any trace of a national feel ing. From this lime to the close of our period 1006 the whole national strength was strained to drive back the fierce Vikings. Having briefly traced the political divisions of the country, we now go back to take up rhe great underlying principles that even the fierceness of the Northmen could not conquer. Early in the struggle with Rome the Christian religion was introduced. Missionaries went about from place to place, preaching and teaching. At this time education and Chris tianity went hand in hand. As Christianity gained ground the desire for knowledge grew. Monasteries sprang up in many places, Northumbria, although fallen from its political prestige, still remained a great power in learning. Under the reign of Aldfrith and Ceolwulf this kingdom became the great literary centre of western Europe. Yarrow and York were the most famous schools of that time and the whole lit erary life of the age seemed to be embodied in one man, the "Venerable" Bede. Born in 673, about ten years after Rome had completed the conquest over Iona and four years after Theador had arrived at Canterbury to complete the ecclesias tical conquest, his religious character and teachings must have had a great influence on the bent of thought in England. His power to impart knowledge to others was wonderful. At one time the schools of Yarrow and York contained over six hundred students. This, with a knowledge of the times, shows plainly how the ignorance of heathendom was rapiply giving way for the light of Christianity, It is probable that had the Anglo-Saxons been unmolested this growing culture would have given England, at the close of the ninth century, a civilization far in advance of the times. Bede left his countrymen a rich legacy of educationa1 works; all we really know of the century and a half after the landing of Augustine is from him. First am6ng English scholars, historians and theologians, it is in Bede that English literature strikes its roots. Green says: "In the six hundred scholars who gathered around him for instruction he is the father of England's national education." After his death advancement stopped. Only in mid-England did order and peace remain. 1, Wherever they set their foot progress; of every kind stopped, culture was blasted and civilization died away. But fortu nately for civilization Providence had raised up a man who possessed the ability to use the shattered forces of his realm to expel the Northmen. For twenty-six years Alfred strug gled with the pirates. During this time education was much neglected. The Anglo-Saxon had all he could do to maintain his own existence. Still the tone of their culture was slowly rising. The Christian missionaries at times won some of the Danes to their cause. Their natural bitterness made them difficult to convert and prone to relapse. Their energy and indomitable courage made them valuable when thoroughly converted. When Alfred succccdrd in driving the Danes back England was almost a smoking ruin. In Mcrcia and Northumbria the pirate's sword had left few sunivors of the school of Bede. In Wesscx, which so far had been the most ignorant of the piovinccs, affairs were still worse. Its condition is best shown by Alfred's own words: "When I began my reign I cannot re member of one priest south of the Thames who could render his service book into English." Scarcely had the last pirate ship disappeared when Alfred began a moral and intellectual restoration. Destroyed monasteries were rebuilt, and in structors from other lands were hired to teach. Nor did Al fred fail to do his share of the work- He took the looks as he then found them and translated them into Anglo-Saxon, enriching them with ideas and illustrations of his own. Throughout all his works we can sec his aversion to display. Through his labors the whole face of English literature was changed. Before his lime England possessed in her own tongue a few songs, one great poem, and no prose. In addition to these literary labors he sent out exploring parties in the White sea, along the coasl of Esthonia, and also along the southern coasts. In the face of the ruined con dition of the country these facts arc significant. They show that the minds of the Anglo-Saxons were becoming enlarged and directed to inquiry concerning lands and people far be yond their own. The remaining portion of our period is little less than a series of military campaigns. However, in the periods of peace that now and then prcvailed,we can trace the smoulder ing fires of Anglo-Saxon culture. The Northmen had failed in the purpose of their conquest, but they had done a power ful work. In their struggle with the Englishmen they cre ated an English people. Burn arid plunder as they would, the Anglo-Saxon culture held the Northmen in check. Only a brief account of the writers of this period has been left us. The internal confusion again became great. Culture began to fall from the height it had reached in Alfred's time. But under the guidance of that master mind the threads of Anglo-Saxon culture were so closely interwoven that they stood the test. Alfred, when he began to struggle against the ignorance of his own countrymen, commenced a warfare that was destined to conquer the world. PROGRESS IN METHOD. The old fashioned way of memorizing a text boot iii order to deliver it in a manner worthy of a parrot to the imuuclor has lost ground wonderfully of late years. Especially is this true in the study of the science.. In chemistry the instructor instead of as formerly performing the experiments before the class, who looked on much as small boys at a sleight-of-hand show, acts as a helper or guide, supplying that which th(stu dent cannot himself discover. By this method the interestiis increased because of the pleasure which always comes from discovery, and the facts demonstrated are fixed much more W