ES2GI hi'- T If E If R S P E li r A Ar , i i, . i ' i ,.1M. IMi. f " b i jfi. Till! FINEST LINK OK FABRICS IFOE, LADIES WEAR TO HE KOUNI) IN THE CITY IS SHOWN AT JOHN" IE. MILLER'S Ctorae? M audi iiotfru H. W. KELLEY & CO., LEADING PHOTOGRAPHERS OK TIIK CAPITAL CITY. STRICTLY FIRST CLASS WORK. Cnll at 102O 0 Street, North Side. Boys, Buy Your Shoes of 118 North Twelfth Sticet, Lincoln, Nub. Qllfy Portrait and Landscape Photographed Stereoscopic Views of Principal ItuiUliiies for Views taken to order. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. Special Hales to Sf ml at Is 120 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET, I INCOLN, NEBRASKA DON T FORGET TO GO TO Baker s Clothing House, 935 0 STREET For your Spring Clothing. Gents Furnishing- Goods, . Hats and Caps. CADET SUITS. : J rr XW