THE H ES PERI AN. Cncsar pitched lor the Romans and was very effective. Ar istotle got his base on balls, and Plato coached in his own no culinr style, "Whether, now indeed when on the one hand ac cordingly the pitcher draws back his arm, do you at least lead oil; but if however on the contrary indeed (or as it may be elegantly rendered, os is well known,') he throws the ball, look out. Therefore as it seems to me, now yer olT, now ycr off, SLIDE!" And Aristotle got his base. Wc cannot describe the game in detail. There was kick ing throughout. Juvenal made n three bagger to right field, but Aristophanes came in, remarking that he knew something about Birds, and if that wasn't a foul, he would ; but Cati line fined him ten drachmae for abusing the umpire. Horace muffed an easy fly, but explained that "dcr sun was in my eyes; I couldn't sec der ball." The irrepressible Aristophanes immediately yelled that the sky was full of clouds, but a yell of "Rodcntcs!" from the Romans quieted him. Herodotus made a beautiful home run, but bragged that it was nothing to a hit he once made in Egypt, where the ball had gone over two pyramids and disappeared down the throat of the god Isis, "thus ending the game," he added naively. Cicero was hit by the ball, although he implored Cimon to be care ful in his delivery. As he took his base he murmured some thing about "Jam dudttm hortor" "He called me a jam dude!" yelled Cimon, making a wild rush for the stately ora tor. But the fight was averted. Cicero and Alcibiadcs were darlings on third, although 'monkey business played its part in their conduct. Juvenal kicked all the time. Euripides was garrulous; Eschylus forgot all about the game, and awakened the ire of his companions; Clcon caught a "grand stand" game; Brutus made a sacrifice hit; Tacitus played a steady game; una so wetter. THE PATHO-BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. European governments have long recognized the fact that to a nation's prosperity it is absolutely necessary that spe cial steps be taken towards investigation into the causes and nature of infectious and contagious diseases of men anil ani mals. The need of institutions for this purpose is, therefore, very apparent in a country like our own whose wealth consists largely in its live stock. It is also very apparent that such stations should be for investigation only, and not for instruc tion, with the exception, perhaps, of persons especially de tailed to take a part in State preventive Medicine. It was the recognition of this necessity by our Board of Regents which prompted themtotakethc step they have, and wc believe that their'undertaking has thus far been exceptionally fortunate. Dr. F. S. Billings has been appointed permanent director of the station. This gentleman is a graduate of the Imperial Veterinary school of Prussia and a student of the University of Prussia medical department from which institution he refused to graduate. At present his laboratory is in room 34, of the main building. It is completely filled up with the ne cessary instruments for all work pertaining to the science, al though, needless to say, the room is much too small. It also has a complete set of instruments for the use of a hospital of a veterinary school, which it is much hoped the legislature will provide at its next session, for very obvious reasons. All of these instruments have lately been purchased by the Uni versity at a cost of nearly $2,500. We thus have the satisfac tion of knowing that the station is to permanent one. A few words as as to its origin and its work up to the pres ent time: It was first established at the suggestion of the state board of" agriculture. Dr. Billings was employed, though he was then given no permanent position. The primary object of his work was the investigation of hog cholera alone. The bacteria of this disease had been discovered by Dr. Dctmcrs as long ago as 1880, but through the neglect of the Industrial Bureau had been allowed to lapse into forgctfulucss. Though he has been much hampered by lack of suitable accommoda tions for material used in his experiments, he has finally suc ceeded in placing Dr. Detmcis' discoveries again before the public on a firm basis -at any rate so far as the state of Neb raska is concerned. At the same time he has added many new facts of value. More important, however, than the re discovery of the cause is the establishment of the fact by him that the disease is a contagious and not an infectious one, as heretofore held by all observers. This gives rise to an en tirely new method of procedure on the part of those inter ested in the prevention ol animal diseases in, the state. He has further demonstrated that hog cholera can be prevented by a process of vaccination, but whether he can devise means for turning his discovery to the practical benefit of the farmer depends, he says, largely upon the disposition of the author ities to provide accommodation for his materials used in ex pcrimental research. Of late other animal diseases have been claiming his attention. He has made an important, though not entirely satisfactory, investigation into a disease ol cattle at Crete, this state; and is now engaged upon one which has caused great mortality of cattle and horses over the entire country. He has examined material from all parts of the United States and finds that the micro-organ isms arc in every case the same; and that only by the aid of a microscope and by a peculiar treatment can the lesions be distinguished from consumption in cattle and glan ders in horses. He has already classified the causes of the disease. On account of the uncertainty of the nature of its parasite and its place in the botanical kingdom he has sent material to the heads of all the great European stations,thcre being none in this country with whom he could consult. At a convenient time the laboratory will issue a report of these investigations. It will be complete in every respect, and, we venture to say, will be a valuable contribution to the literature of the science. It will be illustrated with plates made especially for the purpose. The station proving a success, it is the further purpose of those in authority to establish a laboratory for special instruc tion of physicians or graduate veterinarians who may be con nected with the state sanitary sen-ice and who have the ne cessary learning and the recommendation of boards of health or state authorities. . One other condition of the reception of these is that they do original investigation assigned to them and make reports upon the same, these reports to become the property of the University for publication together with other reports ol the laboratory. At present w believe this institution enjoys the distinction of being the only American university which possesses an ex perimental station of this kind. If (he necessary buildings can be obtained in conjunction with the advantages offered by the College Farm it will have the farther distinction of being quite a perfect station; one which there is every reason to believe will eventually equal any of those of Europe, both in completeness of outfit and in quality of work done. Aside from the advantage of apparatus, the laboratory has the equally valuable one of literature upon the subject. Dr. Billings' private library is the best of its kind in America. It contains some 11,000 volumes, printed in almost every Euro pean language.many of them exceedingly rare and is complete in every thing pertaining to Medicine, Veterinary Mcdicine.Bacteriology and the Doctor's specialty, Pathology. With such means for success wc believe that the experiinen-