Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 01, 1887, Page 8, Image 10

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The Monmouth Collegian is one of the best exchanges it is
our lot to read. It has a numerous editorial staff, and they
seem to bestow much hard work on the make-up of their
sheet. We would especially call attention to the good quali
ty 01 its editorials.
The Lombard Review for May is much better than usual.
The article on -Business Colleges" strikes hard at their sys
tern of education. Wc endorse the sentiments and think the
matter would bear consideration even in the face of the suc
cess with which business colleges meet.
From our exchanges wc gather the following facts concern
ing the inter-statc oratorical contest: It was held in Blooming
ton, 111., May 5U1. Nine states were represented. J. II. Fin
ley, the Illinois orntor.took first prize. His subject was"uJohn
Brown." Second prize was taken by Park Daniels, of Indi
ana. In the last number of the College Student the editor-in-chief
bids his fellow journalists adieu. He is one of those
specimens of humanity that wc sec sauntering lazily
through the halls answering to the name Senior. Notwith
standing this in hU editorial capacity he has done his work
well and won many friends. Wc regret to lose him and hope
his place will be filled by one as able.
Doane College is crying loudly for an instructor in elocu
tion. Wc heartily sympathize with our sister school. Not four
months ago wc were in the same condition. Our cry went
forth, and at last wc arc supplied with the much needed in
structor. Of course the benefits for us as students arc yet in
the future. And for those who make a judicious use of the
opportunities now offered, there will be surprising improv
ments. We have rummaged through the great pile of exchanges
endeavoring to find something half way entertaining. But
very lew of the articles found satisfy our desires. A languid,
half careless air seems to pervade all. The continuous wear
and tear of the year's work that is now drawing to a close
seems to have absorbed all the energies oi the editors. Wc
feel this to be the case with ourselves. It is a relief lor us to
look ahead and think that wc arc writing the exchange for
the lost time until after the summer vacation, and perhaps for
all time. We hope that during the vacation the numerous cd
itors will lay up enough energy to start out on next year's
work with a vim that would surprise even the readers of the
Friend Carlelonia, wc button up our coat, assume as mili
tary an air as possible, and plainly say wc do not like the
style of your last exchange. Your writer must have been
working under a terrible pressure when those articles were
penned. If they arc intended as criticisms they lack the es
sential part: the reason why. It is no use to tell a man we
don't like his style if we do not give the reasons. For this
reason wc are going to say why we arc not suited. In the
first place we do not think that the writer of those exchange
articles believed in the doctrines he wJts preaching. Take
for instance the "advice to contestants." But perhaps that
was meant for a joke. If so it was a failure. In the second
place the writer does not seem to have anything to write
about, a nost imperative reason why he should not have written.
LEAVE all your washing at the IIksi'KKIan office to be
done by the best laundry in the state. 10 per cent discount
to students. W. E. Johnson.
10 PER CENT discount to students on washing. Leave it
at the IIKSI'KKIAN office and I will send for and return it.
W. E. Johnson.
For good, clean meals try the Parlor Dining Hall, 137 N.
12th Street.
Kelly always does well by the students. Give him a
Special prices to students at T. Ewing & Co's.
The Wyoming coals have lor years been regarded as the
best and cleanest fuel for domestic consumption. Sold by K.
11. Oakley, N. W. cor nth and O. Telephone 66.
Jas. II. Hooper is a fellow student and will do your lnun
drying as neat as the neatest.
R. II. Oakley is sole agent for Wyoming coals. When in
want of choice and cle.'.u hard or soft coal give him a call. N.
W. cor nth and O. Telephone 66.
W. R. Dennis has the largest stock of men's fine hats and
furnishing goods. Inspection solicited.
Webster & Briscoe keep the bust stock of boots and
Manley keeps a full line of confectionery goods, give him a
W. R. Dennis should be your hatter and furnisher.
Students will receive best of attention at Mauley's.
Stetson and Dunlap hats at W. R. Dennis' under Opera
Go to Ed. Ccrf & Co. for furnishing goods.
The latest styles in hats at Ed. Ccrf & Co's.
Ewing's make children's clothing a special leaturc of their
business. The new stock now includes the handsomest tylis
ever brought to Lincoln. Be sure to call and sec them.
W. R. Dennis for spring goods in latest styles.
Attend the Lincoln Business College.
Go to Kelly's for fine work in photography.
Cadet suits, gloves and caps at Ewing's.
Go to R. II. Oakley for coal.
Go to Ewyng's for straw hats.
If you wanl to get solid with your girl take her some of
Manley's taffy. Yum! Yum!!
Bargains at T Ewings in spring goods. Don't fail to see
Choice fruits, confectionery and lunch all the year round at
Chcvront&Co's, 1119 O St.
In New York go to Delmonico's, but in Lincoln go to Chcv
ront & Co's for ice cream in every style. Always ready to
We all like ice cream of course, and are interested in find
ingthe best parlor. Poehlers just suits us.
Full line of silk mufllcrs and nobby silk handkerchiefs at
You will always find Kelly on hand to do good work.
Goto Pochler for ice cream, cakes and confectionery.
II. W. Brown keeps a full assortment of student's books.
Go to Haydeu's for Pictures and have them fin
ished up with the new enamcller, the latest thing in the pho
tographic line. 1 2 14 O St.
You can find Jas. II. Hooper at the University. Give him
your number and he will call for your laundrying.
BATHS! W. E. Johnson at the Turko-Russian Bathing
Parlors will give a man a big swimming bath lor a quarter.
Will drown him for thirty cents.
Goto Webster & Briscoe. 1043 O street , for the best $3.00