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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1887)
THE H ESP EH IAN. ent colleges of the same state, which cannot result in good to the cause of education. There is still an other feature which is brought forcibly to mind by the late contest, and that is the oft-condemned habit of plagiarism. The latest and most flagrant instance of this is the case of Mr. Bradshaw, who won first place in the Ohio state contest. This practice is one of the results of personal and college rivalry, and is simply one of the many bad features of oratorical contests. Everything seems to condemn these con tests, and it can be but a matter of a very short time before they will be thrown aside. There has been some interest manifested in a field day, now that it has been mentioned so often in our .columns, but as yet not enough to inspire some one to take hold of it and push it. Several have spoken to us of their willingness to take part in the exercises and we anticipate that there would be no trouble tn providing interesting and lively sports for one day of Commencement week. To have it that week would remove the principal objection to having it and it could fill an afternoon, say Tuesday afternoon, very enjoyably. We ought to have some thing of this kind and now, when we have the mater ial and the inclination on the part of the partici pants, we should have no excuse for not having it. If our campus is not large enough the prospects are good to secure the use of the base ball grounds. Some one take hold of it and push it, and we cannot but make it a success. The base bill nine, the cadets and the band are willing, and an organizer only is need ed. Walk up, you burly Soph, and take the initiative and success will be yours. It is reported there isa movement on foot to estab lish the system of the delivering of the term essays, forensics and orations in chapel. This is a move ment which has many arguments in its favor, yet we believe that in this institution, far from good results would follow its establishment. With our present heavy courses students can scarcely find time to pre pare their productions for society, while if tl ey were compelled to write a production and deliver it in cha pel, '.hey would be deprived of the advantage of us ing the same production as the tenn work in compo sition end in regular society work. The problem would then arise: which is the more important, the regular class work, public rhetoricals, or society work? Class work could not be slighted and there fore either society or public rhetoi icals would be. Now this is not mere theory; it has been shown to be a re sult in other institutions. The question is a live one in Washburn College, of our neighboring slate of Kansas, and so live is it that the Argo declares that 7 "either the societies or public rhetoricals must go." So will it confront us, and if we want our societies to stand, il we want the drill and recreation society gives us, we should not consent to public rhetoricals. A SUMMER IDYL. The firelight dances before mc, Something moist from my eyelids I wipe; Perhaps it is only the smoke though, Curling up from my briarwood pipe. My thoughts are scarce worth the telling; You've oft heard the same thing before; Still I'll tell them, they might interest you, An Idyl of Summer no more . We met up among the White Mountains, That day I shall never forget; I remember the place and the hour, Yes, Jim, I remember it yet. I can hear her voice even now, Jim, As she said, while my heart throbs stood still, "Say, Mister, Pa told me to ask you, How soon you could settle your bill?" Lampoon. COUN'J TOLSTOI. There have been very few wi iters of fiction, or, indeed, of any other kind of literature, who have so bound themselves up in their works as has Count Lyof Tolstoi. Probably no man ever lived who so thoroughly seized and assimilated what he saw and experienced; which was to be afterwards utilized. It may, therefore, be interesting to study somewhat closely the character of the man, and to discover, if possible, the causes which led him to accomplish his great life work, and to trace their conncction-with each other. As W. D. IIovvclls says in his interesting article on Tolstoi, written for Harper's Weekly, the mere mention of the Count's birth place copveys to us a vague impression of re moteness, which, however, docs not tend to increase our in terest in the man. It was in one oi those obscure and un important villages in eastern Russia, that Tolstoi was born. It was there that he gathered some of those lasting impres sions of nature which a child is so quick to perceive and re tain, and which he afterwards reproduced so vividly in books. The irksomeness of school life was exceedingly distasteful to him, and, like his predecessor Gogol, he soon abandoned his technical studies, and went out into the world to gain the knowledge he desired by intercourse with his fellow men. And how well he made use of his observations wc have only to op en his books to discover. When Tolstoi was alout twenty-four, he went on an expe dition to the Caucasus, the glorious, free and healthy life of the camp, so different from the narrow, conservative and hot-house existence at St. Petersburg, he learned to look upon human affairs in a light which he had not before thought possible. It can be readily understood what an effect such a mode of existence would have had upon a man of Tol stoi's temperament, and how, granting that he had the requi site ability, he would be led to construct a romance out of the materials so profusely scattered around him. This work he accomplished in "The Cossacks," to mc, one of the most fascinating books I have ever read, and that for a reason which I shall presently mention. In reading any of Tolstoi's novels it should be constantly