THE HESPERIAN H. W. KELLEY & CO. ARE THE LEADING PHOTOGRAPHERS OF THE CAPITAL CITY. STRICTLY FIRST CLASS WORK Call at 102b O Street, Ncrth Side. AT REASOXAIJLE PRICES. BUY CARPETS AT THE EXCLUSIVE Carpet A. M.Davis. 1 KmL-2&W N IW THE FAVORITE NOS.303404-332l7O-35l-WmT 'HIS OTHER STYLES SOLD BY ALL DEALERS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. rftegj MiMWM Peerless Steam Laundry. . OUR j fo laundry work arc unsurpassed 5n tlic west. Wc guarantee satisfaction, Any dissatisfaction on the part of work very will be made satis.actory . reported to oihee. No convict labor employed. Wcsolicit your patronage. C J. PRATT, Prop., 1117 I St. Telephone I99. JL jljl VV J I JL &Q BOOKSELLER AND STATIONED, 113 NORTH ELEVENTH STHEBT, Is making special Prices to Students on All Goods in his Line. A& Portrait and Landscape Photographer. Stereoscppic Views of Principal Buildings for sale. View, taken to order. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. Special nates to Stud en ts l 129 SOUTH ELEVENTH I INCOLX, NEBRASKA it $