Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 15, 1887, Image 1

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Vol. XV.
LINCOLN, NEB., MAY 15, 1887.
Issued semi-monthly by the Hesperian Publishing Associ
ation, of the University of Nebraska.
Business Manager - -Subscription
Agent - -
- C W. Bicelow.
- F. F. Ai-mv.
One copy, per college year,
One copy, one college teitn
Single copy,
advertising rates on application.
Address all communications to The Hesperian, University
of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
A much needed improvemeet of our campus has
been made in the cutting down of the short lived rot
tonwoods, so as to allow the younger and more last
ing trees to develop more rapidly. It was a short
sighted policy in the first place, which planted so
many worthless trees upon our campus, and we are
heartily glad that a new one has been inaugurated.
Among the important questions to be decided by
the present meeting of the regents is that of the lo
cation of the two new buildings. Perhaps our opin
ion may not be in place, being only the opinion of
mere students, yet we cannot refrain from giving voice
to the student opinion that certain plans which arc
proposed by some, of grouping the buildings upon J
the southeast corner of the campus, or on the east
side, would most certainly be ridiculous. No space
would be saved, no convenience gained, while the
cliance of ever making our campus a thing of beauty
would be lorever lost. If the Science hall were plac
ed on the southwest corner,the two science buildings
would not be too far apart, while the arrangement of
all of the buildings would be far more artistic.
The progress made in certain lines of the Scien
tific course during the past two years has been such
as to bring out more clearly the weakness in other
lines. We have specialists in chemistry and botany,
but we compel our specialist in geology to teach in in
eralogy, paleontology, crystallography, zoology, en
tomology, conchology, etc. One professor cannot
handle so many branches and do justice to each. Zo
ology and its specialized parts, conchology, entom
ology and ornithology, should have a special profes
sor, and our professor in geology be left in his own
sphere, juit as much as specialists employed in botany
or chemistry. This subject merits consideration, for
we lclieve that the excellent system, already started
here, of employing specialists should be carried out.
There seems to liave been some objection upon
the part of members of the faculty to consenting to
the leave of absence to the cadets who go to the an
nual spring encampment. It seems that there are
members of our faculty who can see but very little
good in any step which does not advance the student
in their particular branch of study, but goes to ex
cite an interest in some other branch. There are
some, too. who seem to think that all time spent in
anything other than eating, sleeping and studying
or reciting, is time wasted, and grudge the student a
day or an hour of recreation. This spirit is small
and unworthy Of our professors. Two days out of
school work is more than doubly repaid by the know
ledge of military field life and by the rest and change
of scene. It is a good custom and an abridgement
of that privilege would in our opinion, be a narrow
and short sighted policy.
The inter-statc oratorical aociation has again
met and Illinois captures first place, while Nebraska,
sad to relate, does her share by filling the nii.th and
last place. This contest brings to mind the various
quarrels among the state colleges as to the justness of
decisions and the petty rivalries which inevitably ac
company local contests. In several states there have
been quarrels of no small moment which have neces
sarily been tise cause of a feeling betivecn the differ