Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 01, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Eddy has at last screwed his courage up to the point of ask
ing the Seniors out to take biscuits and honey with him, but
they will probably show the white feather, as they would set
no time.
John Green supplied a half-dozen of the coeds with a bag
of butternuts and when some of the boys asked what was up
the selfish creatures only said "We're a-hunting bugs."
Such generosity!
, The recent duck hunt indulged in by the most determined of
the Sophomore class at Crete, seems to have brought a fit of
homesickness upon Fletcher. At any Tate he has gone home.
We hope he will soon recover.
The class in French Revolution point with pride to the fol
lowing list of marks, the result of their last examination: 98,
98i 97 97. 97. 96 96 95. 93. 92- How's 96 for a class
average under Prof. Howard?
e were pleased to notice that the last issue of the Ne-.v
Republic contained a letter from one of the students answer
jng the editorial of the week before, which had cast a slur up
on the Chancellor and some of the professors.
We are indebted to A. L. Frost for a program of the sec
ond annual mecting'of the American Economic Association,
to be held in Boston from May 21st to 26th. Examining the
program convinces us of the 'worth of such meetings, espe.
cially to one pursuing Mr. Frost's line of work.
As the 1st of May approaches the fair ones who are going
to compete for the prize in the Knight contest may be seen
rushing along with a dctcrmined,busincss-like look upon their
faces. We only wish their was a prize for eacli and all. We
are not informed as to the number of ccntestints.
The Sopli picnicers unite in declaring their treatment by
the Doane Sopliomores as "great," and are especially cnthu
siastic in their appreciation of Mr. Hartigan's efforts to make
them enjoy themselves. They speculate upon what a grand
time they would hav2 Tiad, bad it been fair weather, judging
from the time they did bavc.
Two of the most brilliant members of the class of '87 were
so disgusted with the lack of spirit in the class that they for
mally withdrew and handed in written petitions to be admit
ted to '89. However, they are debnred from this class be
cause they failed to pass in the French "verbs which were re
repuired by '89 for admission.
The Journal boys have twice tried the University mettle
within the last week, Tuesday to the tune of 28 to 4 and
Thursday 22 to 15, in our favor. The latter game proved a
very hard fought one and at times very close. Score by in
nings: 1 2 3 4 5.
State Journal 1 083 315.
University 5 J 3 1322.
The Scientific Club met in the laboratory library Saturday,
April iGth. Mr. D. T. Smith gave a talk on limestone, after
which Miss Aughey reported geological and mineralogical
news and Mr. Fulmer reported investigations into the use of
bluing on linen and a lengthy discussion upon color followed.
He mentioned the process for preparing softer wood to take
the place of boxwood used as shuttles in looms, and the elec
tric method of heating cars. Steps were taken to fill the of
fice of treasurer, vacated by Miss Flora Baker. Club adjourn
ed td meet April 30th.
Clothing for every body at Ed. Geri&Co's.
The best maple sugar taffy at Mawes. Try 'it.
Best shoes for only $3.00 at Webster nnd 'Briscoe's.
J. andD. Newman, 1027 -O Street. Oldest l!)ry 'Good?
House 'in'the city.
'Straw hats at Ed. Cerf'&Co's. '
ftlaiiley'has the cream of 'the candy trade.
Call -on 'Edami. Oerf tt'Cooo.
10 PER CENT discount to students on washing. Leave it
at the Hesperian office and 1 will send for and return it.
W. E. Johnson.
For good, clean meals try the Parlor Dining Hall, 137 N.
1 2th Street.
Kelly alwavs does well bv the students. Give him a
Special prices to students at T. Ewing & Go's.
The Wyoming coals have for years been regarded as the
best and cleanest fuel for domestic consumption. Sold by R.
H. Oakley, N. W. cor nth andO. Tclephone66.
Jas. H. Hooper is a fellow student and will do your laun
drying as neat as the neatest.
R. H. Oakley is sole agent for Wyoming coals. When in
want of choice and cler.r. bard or soft coal give him a call. N.
W. cor nth and O. Telephone 66.
W. R. Dennis has the largest stock of men's fine hats and
furnishing goods. Inspection solicited.
Webster & Briscoe keep the be;t stock of boots and
Manley keeps a full line of confectionery goods, give him a
W. R. Dennis sliould be your hatter and furnisher.
Students will receive best of attention at Manley's.
Stetson and Dunlap hats at W. R. Dennis' under Opera
Go to Ed. Cerf & Co. for furnishing goods.
The latest sf-lcs in bats at Ed. Ccrf & Co's.
Ewing's make cbildren's clothing n special feature of their
business. The new stock now includes the handsomest styles
ever brougbt to Lincoln. Be sure to call and see them.
W. R. Dennis for spring goods in latest styles.
Attend the Lincoln Business College.
Go to Kelly's for fine work in photography.
Cadet suits, gloves and caps at Ewing's.
Go to R. H. Oakley for coal.
Go to Ewing's for straw bats.
Tfyou want to get solid with your girl take her some 'of
Manley's taffy. Yum! Yum!!
Bargains at T Ewings in spring goods. Don't 'fail jo see
Choice fruits, confectionery and lunch all the year round at
Chevront&Co's, 1119 O St.
In New York go to Delmonico's, but in Lincoln goto'Chev
ront & Co's for ice cream in every style. Always 'ready to
We all like ice cream of course, and are interested In 'find
iugthc best parlor. Pochlers just suits us.
Full line of silk mufflers and nobby silk handkerchiefs at
You will nlways find Kelly on hand to do good work.
Go to Pochler for ice cream, cakes and confectionery.
H. W. Brown keeps a full assortment of student's books.
Go to llayden's for Pictures and have them 'fin
ished up with the new enameller, the latest thing in the ,pho
tographic line. 1214 O St.
You can find Jas. II. Hooper at the University. Give him
your number and he will call for your laundrying.
BATHS! W. E. Johnson at the Turko-Russian, Bathing
Parlors will give a man a big swimming bath for n quarter.
Will drown him for thirty cents.
'Go to Webster & Briscoe. 1043 O street , for the best 'fcjjoo
'LEAVE nil your washing at't'he UesI'KKIAN office ito be
donelJy ithe'best laundry in the state. 'lojper'cent 'discount
yys'ttfderits. w.fE. tFoiiNSON.