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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1887)
THE HESPERIAN. u Influence of Frcstiman Morals upon the Latin School Stu dents." Master Gcorgic Spurlock gave a masterly disquisition upon "Budhisni its Rise, Principles, and Influence upon I.if crature, Science and Metaphysics." Forming a ring and kneeling facing the tree, they repeated "Now I lay me" and retired. The afternoon was spent in N0.7, where the Soph omores who had showed the white feather, aided them in hav ing a time. Songs, drop the handkerchief, and dancing were the order of the day, and the grand finale consisted in a sup per given by the 'stay-at home Soph gills who had prepared o picnic dinner and wanted to use it. In the evening we were favored by an Arbor Day address, delivered by the originator of the annual obscivance of that holiday, the Hon. J. Sterling Morlonr To attempt to de scribe it were fruitless and it were equally impossible to print it at length, but we can express our enthusiastic thanks to the Chancellor for having secured Mr. Morton, and to Mr. Mor ton for his masterly and highly entertaining address. HALL HAPPENINGS, if -v. .zr$j a J y, ' ' J' 1 , - C. S. Polk is around again. Miss Lesh is again absent from school. Ask Baughtnan who stole;thc boat. The cadets loomed up in the Spy of Atlanta. Eddy drew a book out of the library one day last week." A few of the students took in Uooth at Omaha last week. Misses Strntton and Applegct spent Arbor Day in Ash land.' The Seniors have concluded not to adopt a class motto om' class badge. In opera house at Crete; "Who is that learned looking gentleman who talkb so loud?" Spurlock celebrated his twenty-first birthday by inviting a half-dozen of his friends to supper. It is circulated that a laundry delivery wagon wns seen to stop at Kleine's room one day last week. The lacully has concluded to let the Seniois who aic on program off from the regular class work foi the last thiue weeks of the term. A very pleusant University social took nlnce nt il, hum.. of Miss Manley on the evening of the 20th. About foitystu-! oenis were present. Now'that we students can't even have the halls to hold cau cuses in, 'the best plan would be to pass a subscription paper and buy'rubtic &eatstb,be scattered over the campus. Ask Klcinc if he knows what a "portugoosc" is. Miss Southwick has been visiting Lincoln and University friends. On Saturday, the 30th, a match game of ball was played on jhe campus. Prof. Aughey, formerly connected with the University, is visiting in Lincoln. Ask Fletcher about the way the Sophs were left when they asked permission to leave. Sig Polk has gone to Louisville' to spend aweck in older to get completely rested for the term's wotk. We are glad to recall our announcement that Miss Nellie Si. Scott would not be with us this term, for she expects to be back this week. Mr. JoiinK. Ukkun: When you come around and fix that window in this office the "editorial puff" which you bargain ed for will appear in our columns, and not before. The annual cadet encampment is again the talk. In spile of the duckings, rains, and burnt noses the boys have receiv ed in the past, they are as anxious as ever to try camp life. The new janitor who lakes Harry's place is foo fearfully punctual on Friday nights to suit the students. Exactly at 10:29, no matter what is going on, he begins to turn out the lights. Mr. Hoover received a telegram from Blue Hill announcing the death of his mother. He took the noon train for home on Sunday last. Mr. Hoover has the sympathy of all in this soi row of soi rows. Pi of. in Ethics: "Man and animals both think, but a man thinks that he thinks." Student: "Well, then the difference batweenMr. C k and an animal is that he thinks he thinks, but don't, while an animal thinks, but don't know it?" The Frcshies have moie class spirit and eneigy than any oilier class in school. Not even the torrents of Aibor Day dampened their ardor, and they held a picnic in the building where elegant refreshments, consisting of bread and butter, were served to all loyal members of '90. The committee on Field Day report the prospects very en couraging and are able to present an outline of the program, although the entries for the various contests arc- not as nu merous as may be expected. The chairman of the commit tee requests that the students hurry this matter up, and (also the matter of subscriptions Avhich may be made at the Hl'.s ri'ltlAN office. It has been thought advisable to postpone the date to May 19th, and to have all exercises on the campus, 'beginning at 2 p. 111. sharp. All entries for contest of any kind to be made on or before May 12th. The following is a program: 'Overture, Cadet Hand. Dress Parade of Battalion. Contest Drill by Volunteer Squads of Twelve. Prize, As sociation Badge. C'irand March, Cadet IJnnd. Foot ball Contest, Crete and University Elevens. Wheel barrow Knee. ' Sack Race. Barrel Race.- Prizes for each race, Association Medals, Throwing Contest. Wrestling and Boxing, Running Race. Music, -Cadet IJand. Gills' Screaming Match. Prtee, Favorable notice in Till". llHSPElUAN. Grand Base'ball Game,- K. S. U's. vs. U. of N's.