Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 01, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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eloquence, demanding justice not mercy awoke to -political
life the masses; roused the long doimant energies of the peo
ple and brought forward in all its lorce the Irish question of
today. At this crisis came Gladstone who, with his resolu
tion for the disestablishment of the Irish church proved him
self a firm friend of Ireland, a position which he has main
tained in the face of all opposition to the present day. When
this resolution was passed it seemed that every vestige of in
justice and oppression had vanished. Not so! Seeds planted
in a fertile soil will sprout and grow, and the English were to
reap the harvest. The former breach was widened. It was
the lot of Gladstone to contend with an evil of centuries'
standing. He did so; but did he use ocrcion? No; by the
introduction of the Land Dill he gave them the needed secur
ity against the avarice and rapacity of the landlords, laid
bare their exoibitant power and elevated the condition of the
In all his subsequent efforts on the Irish legislation he has
shown his general policy, that in advancing Ireland's peace
and prosperity he is laying a linn foundation for the fututc
welfare of England. He well knew that the outrages
that disgrace the Irish cause, weie not
due to the arrogant diameter of the Ir.
ish; tliey were but inevitable outgrowths of a policy caned
for England's benefit, which had been enforced so long. He
has founded a policy which aims at the future welfare and
prosperity of Ireland. Perhaps we do not perceive its bene
fitting effects at present, but we must remember that that
which it has taken centuries to establish cannot be overthrown
in a day. Is Gladstone fearful as to the lcsult? "It is said
that wc have failed in Ireland. 1 do not admit failuie; I ad
mit success to be incomplete; I am asked how it is to be made
complete; I say, by patient persistence in well-doing; by
steady adherence to the work of justice. Justice, sir, is to be
our guide; walking in that path, we cannot err; guided by
that light, that divine light, wc are safe."
Cromwell and Gladstouc, conqueror and statesman. The
two extremes of Irish policy; standing out in the plain of Ir.
ish misery like two mountain penksjthc one,bleak, solitary, des
olate, towering into lonely sublimity, illuminated by the red
glare of lightning and girdled by the tempest; the other,
rearing itself aloft in imposing grandeur, flanked by luxuriant
slopes, its summit piercing the eternal blue and bathed in the
sunlight of God.
Great were the expectations, elaborate were the plans and
completed were the preparations. Each class with the excep
tion, of course, of the Juniors, ha.l long anticipated a day of
fun and proposed to have all they could out of it. The Sen
iors had called a secret meeting and had detei mined to seek
some place where they could throw aside their wonted digni
ty, banish all thought of envious Juniors and give themselves
up to a whole day of romping, fishing, and rowing. They
decided on going to Milford. This was to be kept secreti
however, until the time came, for fear it would shock the stu
dents too much to hear that '87 was going to do someth ng
l'hey were not going to do things by halves when they had
once concluded to act, and so they secured special rates and
notified the Milford authorities that the Senior Class of the
State University was intending to visit them Apiil 22nd. Mil.
ford accordingly for a secret stipulation made airange
ments to meet the class at the depot fit masse and, headed by
the 'Milford brass band, conduct them to the ''island, " where
they were to have in readiness a scoie of dainty row boats
and where they had just launched the steamer in honor of
the visit.
Two days before the longed for day arrived a rain cloud
was seen near Omaha, approaching this vicinity, and the Uni
versity meteorological station predicted fair weather, so the
chief mogul of the class called a mcctirrg and decided to
indefinitely postpone the projected excursion, despite the elo
quence and threats of two or three stout hearted members
(who, by the way, had bought their tickets and ordered some
fishing tackle). The Sophomores had passed a resolution to
carry out their plans whether it stormed or not. They had
determined to go to Crete and had accordingly notified '89
of Doane .that they would be there. Hcanng of the coura:
geous determination of '87 to remain at home, their estimate
of that class was re-affirmed, and they felt called upon to ex
hibit '89 pluck and daring. So the night before they found
ten who pledged themselves to go in spite of fate, although
the aforesaid cloud had approached as near as Ashland and
the meteorological predictions were favorable. During the
night the cloud arrived. Nothing daunted, a band of twenty
resolute Sophs assembled at the depot in the morning and to
the music of the pattering rain drops they boarded their
"special car," (caboose of a cattle train) with wavering hopes
and well filled baskets. Conversation was not very varied
for the first half of the journey, consisting mainly of ques
tions as to opinions on the weather, but then someone discov
ered that 'here was a clear spot in the south eastern part of
the heavens and then followed prolonged rejoicings, vaiicd
only by interjections such as "Wont the Sophs who stayed at
home feel cheap!" "Wonder what those faint hearted Sen
iors Ml think!"
Fate seemed propitious, for the sun was shining as jhey
lauded at Ciete. Doane Sophomores did not meet them, for
they had imagined that th University taught common sense
as well as other branches, and so did not expect them. The
now happy crowd soon found their way lo the assembly
grounds and deposited the baskets and wraps under the pa
villion. Two or three secured boats (stole them) and plied
up and down the ruffled wateis of the Blue, but were soon
forced to seek shelter and listen to Uigelow's importunate de
mands for something to eat. Very soon two or three stray
Doane '89crs discovered the crowd and seeing that prospects
were bad for outside sports, trudged back through the mud
and rain to secure the opera house. As the rain seemed to
increase and the dinner hour was approaching, an entrance
was effected into an empty summer house and benches arrang
ed for dinner. Meanwhile the shower matured into a storm,
and it became so cold that resort was had to dancing and
screaming to keep worm. Oh, the agonies of that hour!
With chattering teeth and blue hands and lips the sky was
watched for some signs of a cessation ot the storm. At last
two or three plucky youths were found who braved the storm
trudged up town, and sent a bus, barely large enough to ac
commodate six, after the ten girls, while the ten boys discon
solately followed. The opera house reached, and the acquain
tance made of Doane Sophomores of both sexes, the after
noon passed very pleasantly with dancing and charades, and
they found their way backlto Lincoln in time for the evening
Meanwhile the '90s, having doffed their bibs of last year
prepared to carry out their plans. About 10:30 a. m. the
children braved the storm and, adorned by star and cane,
marched out to bury their box elder. With due solemnity
and ceremony the ieat was accomplished, when Master Hef
fleman offered an invocation, after which Master Ilerbie Mars
land delivered a very touching President's address uponVThe