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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1887)
8 THE HESPERIAN There is no reason why debate should not be the most inter esting part of the Program. Well, Lineolnian, at last we have found yon. Long before in rummaging through the ex. your fame had reached us. Yon arc indeed working up a reputation, of which your contempo raries will be jcalous(?). In your superior power you have risen so lar above the rest that they think you arc tooting.your own horn loo much. It's a shame they cannot appreciate a good thing when they sec it. They have forgotten that check and sclfjmportancc is the secret of success in this age of political chicanery. It makes us feel bad to sec so many ex-incn hopping on to your little sheet and trying to tramp it down to the level of their own existence. Shall we enter a protest for you? Coinc, worthy contemporaries, we appeal to you to let up. It's no use. In the quiet stillness of our ed itorial sanctum we can hear that Licofnian's horn sounding out its clear notes a whole octave above all others. The ex. man of the Hesperian would not presume to ofTer criticism. We can only say, let this child of genius live! In many of the papers that come to us we find their ex change list printed. Does not this take too much valuable space for the worth of the information given? We fully sym pathize with the ex. fed., but we cannot refrain from entering a protest. A long list of names is of no interest to the great majority of readers. What is the exchange for any way? In ouropinion it should not be the languid, half-uttered senti ments we sometimes catch ourselves writing. Neither should it be the battle field of the various editorial staffs throughout the college world. The exchange editor who begins, or al lows himself to be drawn into a miserable, ungentlemanly squabble reflects discredit upon the institution to which he be longs and is an injury to the paper he represents. The ex change department should be a sort of reunion ground where, although separated by miles of country, the readers as well the editors could exchange ideas, where criticisms should be kindly but firmly made. As we read some of the exchanges we imagine them to have been written with a sword in the hands of the most pugnacious member of the staff. BATHS! W. E. Johnson at the Turko-Russian Bathing Parlors will give a man a big swimming bath for a quarter. Will drown him for thirty cents. to PER CENT discount to students on washing. Leave it at the Hesperian office and I will send for and return it. W. E. Johnson. LEAVE all your washing at the IlEsrERlAN office to be done by the best laundry in the state. 10 per cent discount to students. W. E. Johnson. Ever hear the story of the boy who invested three dollars in opera tickets for a couple of Catholic schoolmarms and up on approaching the ladies on the subject was regretfully in. formed that it was Lent? Pizey occasionally tells it on himself. DIRECT POINTERS. Clothing for every body at Ed. Cerl & Go's. The best maple sugar taffy at Mawcs. Try it. Caps& hats at Ed. Cerf & Co's. Best shoes for only S3.00 at Webster and Briscoe's. J. and D. Newman, 1027 O Street Oldest Dry Good? House in the city. Ewing's make children's clothing a special feature of their business. The new stock now includes the handsomest styles ever brought to Lincoln. Be sure to call and see them. Go to Ewing's for sealskin caps. Attend the Lincoln Business College. Go to Kelly's for fine work in photography. Cadet suits, gloves and caps at Ewing's. Full line of silk mufflers and nobby silk handkerchiefs at Ewing's. You will always find Kelly on hand to do good work. If you want any fine printing or bookbinding call on Will 0'Shca,cor 9th and O. P. O. box 392. For evidence of his skill he refcrswith pride to work done for Profs Bennett and Bcsscy and other members of the faculty. Goto Poehlcr for ice cream, cakes and confectionery. H. W. Brown keeps a full assortment of student's books. Go to Hayden's for Pictures and have them fin ished up with the new cnamcllcr, the latest thing in the pho tographic line. 1214 O St. Mrs. A. Stuart, 1221, O street, fruits, confetionery, cigars.e tobacco. You can find Jas. H. Hooper at the Universiiy. Give him your number and he will call for your laundrying. If you want to get solid with your girl take her some of Mawc's taffy. Yum! Yum!! Manley has the cream of the candy trade. Call on Edddd. Cerf & Cooo. Go to the Howard House for day board. Best dollar a day house in the city. You will receive prompt attention and also warm meals here. Bargains at T Ewings in winter goods, them. Don't fail tc see Goto Webster & Briscoe. 1043 O street , for the best S3.00 shoes. For good, clean meals try the Parlor Dining Hall, 137 N. I2lh Street. Choice fruits, confectionery and lunch all the year round at iiccison's, 1 1 19 u at. Kelly always does well by the students. Give him a call. In New York go to Delmonico's, but in Lincoln go to Bed son's for oysters in every style. Always ready to wait on you. We announce with pleasure that Will O'Shea, an old Uni versity boy is now proprietor of a first class printing office cor pth and O streets, in connection with his father, the popular book binder. Special prices to students at T. Ewing & Co's. The Wyoming coals have for years been regarded as the best and cleanest fuel for domestic consumption. Sold by R. II. Oakley, N. W. cor 1 1 th and O. Telephone 66. Jas. H. Hooper is a fellow student and will do your laun drying as neat as the neatest. R. H. Oakley is sole agent for Wyoming coals. When in want of choice and clean hard or soft coal give him a call. N. W. cor nth and O. Telephone 66. We all like oysters, of course, and are interested in finding he best oyster parlor. Poehlers just suits us. W. R. Dennis has the largest stock of men's fine hats and furnishing goods. Inspection solicited. Go to R. H. Oakley for coal. For gloves, seal and Scotch caps see W. R. Dennis. Webster & Briscoe keep the best stock of boots and shoes. Manley keeps a full line of confectionery goods, give him a call. W. R. Dennis should be your hatter and furnisher. Students will receive best of attention at Manley's. Stetson and Dunlap hats at W. R. Dennis' under Opera House. Go to Ed. Cerf & Co. for furnishing goods. The latest styles in hats at Ed. Cerf & Co's. 1 rf i