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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1887)
THE HESPERIAN. Cleanliness mmmt to odlia,e t - f m THE CRYSTAL STEAM LAUNDRY Will call for and promptly deliver all goods entrusted to them and finish same in latest and best manner. City Office, 119N. 12th St. Telephone 47s. jjallutli:m Qitvrarr &orieti. "Forma Mentis jEttrna est," Regular meeting every Friday uvealng commoucing promply nt 8 o'clock. Students and erangors welcome. Gontlomenu cebat- nig ciuo moots every sntiiroay evening i.ouies ciud moots rriuay aitcruoou, o'clock. W H Wagner Secy. al 4 WJS Porrln. Pros. COMMERCIAL BERBER SHOP Richards block. The best equipped shop in the city We do not offer special prices, but keep only first class artists and therefore cnn offer special work. Armstrong, Neville SCo. Wr" mm. K 1 J; 2 2 I'D &i. r J t'ua"0 -Eva Ulg M S5c 8 Parlor Restaurant, In Bond Block, bet O & P. 21 meals for $4. Single meals 25 cents. Call and see us nivcritu Jw0Jj, "Lllterae cumeleganlta muntlum agant." Meete overy Friday evening in Union Hall Students and strangers cordially invited. Dobuung Club evory Siiturdny evening, opon to nil. All mooting commence promptly nt 8 o'clock . J 0 Wlggeuliorn,Pren. TS Allen, Secy. Artistic Portraits. Now Studios 1029 O St. L.NCOLN, - - NIUKASA C. C. JEROME Successor to W. B. Mater. DEALER IN FIREARMS, AMMUNITION, AND SPORTSMAN'S ARTICLES. Also, -all kinds of repairing done promptly. 129 N. 9th Streeet, Lincoln, Neb. Teachm Wanted! LflSsS1:1! number lor Music, aleo Art and Bbeclaltlea. Send stamp for application lorm and circular of Information to NATIONAL SCHOOL SUPPLY BUREAU, Mention this paper. Chicago, 111. IHhibdhcan Qtttrarn Society "Nulla vestigia retroreum." Meets overy Friday evonlng commencing nt eight o'clock promptly. Dell Strattou, Prcn. W Ii Stephens . Hco'y W. C. F. HARDING. TOXSOKIAL. ARTIST Hair cuttlng.aii.vlng.Soa-ronm etc. 142 N. IOth STREET For tickets to til points Kast, Woat, Nor and South, call on H. G. HANNA, City ticket Agent, M. P. R. R. S. E. Corner O & 12th Reduced rates for studen 1 B. F. McCall. LIVEBT Q Between 10 and 11, F. B. Rlgliter, M. D. M9M9M9JMrmIMr. Office, Corner O & 12th Sts. Residence, Corner H & 16th Sts. Office Telephone No. 292. Res'. " 209. XA -n coin, XTel). Oysters, Ice Cream and all kinds of Ices at all Times. BRIERLY and STE ARNS. TEMPLE DINING HALL. 234 south nth street. JH. C. MARTIN & WRIGHT, Props. Meals. 25c, Day Board 4.00.