Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 15, 1887, Image 12
v THE HES P E R 1 A A' . DON T FORGET TO GO TO L Baker s Clothing House, 933 O STREET m 1 3HB For your Spring- Clothing. Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps. CADET SUITS. TURKO-RUSSIAN BATHING PARLORS! :and: LAUNDRY Special Rates to the Boys. Inquire at Hesperian Office. "W ZEL J"OSZJSTSOT. 1 Matl WMte Msvk&l To advertise to sell goods ATCOST is getting to bea C HESTNUT, but we do sell good Boots & Shoe as cheap as any firm in Nebraska. -2L- J- H I&3 935 O STREET, LINCOLN! . V : , - - i. rmmmm HiiL Miii..itlLVWiu,iiWB3immrrTyB v.