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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1887)
THE HESPERIAN t ' i tf i '--wW,, . . r. s " OSTIEIES! MRS. H. L1NDER, 207 S. nth St, nis Mrs. A. B, Stewart. 1221 O Street Fruits, Confectionery Arid such in full line. STUDENTS Get tlicir wnxliitig xloncut Hit- CJiwiesc Laundry. Indies' and Gentlemen's Under wear done up in first-class style Yee Lung, Proprietor, No. 217 North nth. PiiffPl' m m .Miuv.viii.a .r In iiBrtriniiniinT WHtrriTi h w M wi ALL THE BOYS UNIVERSITY t a' C 9. ? . Joint prayer meetings in room No. 5 evert Wednesday evening beginning at 7:45 anil closing at 8:30. All students arc earnestly Invited to attend. Mary Campbell Pros. Y. W. C. A. W. S. Perrln, Pre. Y. M. C. A. FLANAGAN BRO DEALEItS IN NEW AND SECOND-HAND Highest price paid for second-hand goods, ioth St. bet Oind P. J. R. HAGGARD, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON LINCOLN, NKBKA8KA. Office Rooms & and 6, over Ilarlov's Drug Store. Residence 1820 G Street. Chinese Laundry Joe W. Fon PROPRIETOR 1K9 Laundry, No 118 North 12th Between O&P All Work done in First-Class Style on Short Notice. Clothing called for or delivered. After Forty years" experience in the ireparaiion 01 mure hun Ono Hundred Thousand applications for patents in the United States and Foreign conn, trios, tbo publishers of tho Scientific American continue to act as solicitors for patents, caveats, trade-marks, copy rlirVitd Bin., far the United States, and to obtain patents in Canada. England. France, Gormany, and all other countries. Their experi ence is unequaled and their facilities are unsur passed. Drawings and specifications prepared and filed in the 1'iuent Offico on short notice Terms very reasonable. No clmrco for examination of models or drawings Advice by mail free PatontsobtainfdthrouRhMiinnAOo.arnnoticed Intho SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which has the largest circulation and is themost influential newspaper of its kind published in the world. Tho advantages of such a notice every patentee understands. This large and splendidly illustrated newspaper Is published WKElCIiY at $3.00 a year, and U adm'ttedu, be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pub lis led in ny country. It contains the names of all patentees and t itle of every invention patented each week. Try it four months for one dollar. Bold by all nowsdoalers. If you have an invention to patent write to Munn A Co., publlnhers of Scieutlno Amerioaa. 381 ltroadway. New York , Handbook about patents mailsd fro. W. H. Prescott, MUSIC DEALER. 1150O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 12 3-4 O STREET. M.STOUGHTON DEALER IN WALL PAPER, PAINTS, WIN DOW GLASS, Etc. Painting and Artistic Dec orating. W7"Wr KI MBALL CO. 1 IANOS and ORGANS. Hallett& Davis Pianos Kimball Pianos Emerson Pianos and the celebrated Kimball Organs. 135 N 12th St, Lincoln, Neb. F. E. RUSSELL, Manager. William Kiefner. PROPRIETOR OK CAPITAL MEA MARKET. And dealer in fresh and salt meats, pout try, fresh lake fish and wild game in season. C ash paid for all kind of fat.Vtock. 1301 O St., between 13 th and ith. Take the GIRLS To the Old Reliable Candy Kitchen. For the best Candies in the Cily, 142 8. 15th. HUTCHINS & HYATT COAL AND WOOD. Sawed and tpllt wood a specialty. Pine kindling. Office. 1(40 O Street. CHICAGO MEDICAL O O XiIj IE O IE Cornmi Prairie Avenue And 26th St CHICAGO, ILL. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE NORTI WESTERN UNIVERSITY. SESSION OF 1886-7. N. S. Davis, M. D., L. L. D., Dean. The twcuty-ulnth Annual Course o in struction will begin the last week in Septoaa her 1880 and close In March 1887. The course of instruction Is graded. stndKiita being di vided into first, second and third yenr classes. Qualifications for admission are either a dc grcoof A. II.. a certificate of a reputable ac udeiny, a teacher's certificate, or a prclimii. arv examination. Tho method of instruction is conxplcuously practical, and in applied in the wards of the Mercy, St' Luke's and Michael Reese Hos pitals daily at the bedside of the sick, and in the South Side dispensary attachedto the Col lege, where from nine to ten thousand pa tients are annually treated. Fees: Matricu lation.$5. Lectures, first and fecund years, each $75. Dcmoustrator Including material $10. 1 aborutory $5, lircakago (returnable) $5. Hospitals: Mercy $0. St. I.uke' $5., or second and third year students. Final examination $80. For further information or announce ment address Walter Hay, M. D., L. L. D., Sec'y, 243 State St., Chicago, 111., St. JL. JPVSJJjrJE, JtR. St., I,KJVC0LJ, Ofllce 1125 N Street. Telephone No 9. C. M. SEITZ, Dealer in Staple Groceries. Special rates to clubs. 1315 O STREET.