Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 15, 1887, Image 1
THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY of NEBRASKA. Vol. XV. LINCOLN, NEB., APRIL 15, 1887. No.XIJI. THEHESPERIAN (HESPERIAN STUDENT.) Issued semimonthly by the Hesperian Publishing Associ ' ation, of the University of Nebraska. A. H. BIGELOVV, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF. associates: LAURA M. ROBERTS,'87 J. R. McCANCE, '89 CORA E. WHITE, '88 W. H. WAGNER, '88. IJubiNKSS Manager - -Suiisckiption Agent - - - - C. W. B' f.Low. - - F. F. Ai.my. TERMS OI' SUIISCKIPTION: One copy, per college year, One copy, one college term Single copy, Si.oo 35 .10 ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION. Address all communications to The Hesperian, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. EDITORIAL NOTES. i It is a matter for congratulation that we have among both old and new students, so much good ma terial for a good base ball nine. There is no reason why we should not be able to witness quite a number of good games during this short term. Our sister colleges at York and Crete are both organizing strung nines, and it is altogether probable that the U. of N's could be the winneis as of last year and with a far better score. Surely there is enough energy to do this and no time should be lost. Is is whispered around in select circles that the question to be settled now is not, "Shall we have walks?" but "What kind of walks shall we have?" This is indeed pleasant. But there is one serious ob jection which is insurmountable, and that is that it will rob.the Editor-in-cl ief of the Hesperian of his old standby subject for an editorial. Now this is not fair; it is a cruel stroke at the students as well, for where is the student who can exist without reading his accustomed discourse upon the need of walks? Now in all candour, is it right to thus rob the student of what has been his joy for years? It was not the good luck of very many of the stu dents to hear Professor Woodward, of St. Louis, on "Manual Training," but those who did hear it pro nounced it exceedingly good. The Professor hasgiv en his life to the introduction and perfection of these schools and the school at St. Louis owes its wonder ful success to him. His methods were brought out very distinctly by the use of models and he clearly demonstrated that not only was the scheme practica ble, but our schools did not accomplish its purpose without it. It will not be long when every city and town will have its manual training school as well as its public school, and the education of the masses will be more truly accomplished. It is quite amusing to watch the efforts made by some of our best business men to secure the location of still another college the Baptist university. How ever generous an offer Lincoln property owners may make, we are too greatly interested in the cause of higher education to wish them success. However greatly it might boom real estate, it cannot be imag ined that it will tend to their success to establish in the same city in which is the' State University, ihe state institutions of two such prominent churches of Nebraska. We do not believe in sectarian schools, yet if they are established at all, they should be made successful, and the surest method of failing in this end would be to establish them in Lincoln. The lovers of the elocutionary art must now be happy, for the long-promised instructor in rhetoric and elocution has been secured. The students and the Hesperian have often importuned the authorities for instruction in these much neglected branches,and all rejoice that Mr. Hunt has been secured to fill the place. Graduating from Rochester University in 1873 and Newton Theological Seminary in 1880, he instructed students of Rochester University in elocution and oratory from 1873 to 1885. Mr. Hunt in his long experience has won a high repute for off hand speaking and strong, natural elocutionary pow ers. The probabilities are that students will have an opportunity for a full six years' course in both writ-