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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1887)
THE HESPERIAN. Cleanliness is next to Godlines :jj THE CRYSTAL STEAM LAUNDRY Will call for and promptly deliver all goods entrusted to them and finish same in latest and best manner. City Office, iiqN. 12th St. Telephone 47a. "Forma Mentis Jb'terna ;." Rogulnr meetings every Friday ovenlng commencing promply at 8 o'clock. Students and srnngcrs welcome GcntlcmoiiB debat ing club moots ovory Snti.rday evening Ladles club moots Friday nftoruoon, at 4 o'clock. E. D. Uowo, I'roB. P.P. Forsyth, Secy. COMMERCIAL BARBER SHOP. Richards block. The best equipped shop in the city We do not offer special prices, but keep only first clnss artists and therefore can oflcr'spccial work. Armstrong, Nrvim.e &Co. o Hi 2 mM J O GS3 III fUUjC CAS ai fill M Jji'a S-So; T?rt: ! o9c I P o "0 Ml . Sp'S J In "9 St,E3 UPS r r. C."e3 l5PgH o Jl nivcritu jQniou, "LUterae cumelegantta mundum agant." Moots every Friday ovenlng in Union Hall Students and strangers cordially invited. Pobuuug Club ovory Snturdny ovoning, open to nil. All meetings commonco promptly nt 8 o'clock . Anson Blgo ov,Pros. II. J. Wobbcr,Socy. Artistic Portraits. New Studios 1020 O St. LINCOLN, - NLBRASA Parlor Restaurant. In ilond Ulock, bet O & P. 21 meals for $4. Single meals 25 cents. Call and sec us C. C. JEROME Successor to W. H. Mater. DEALER IN FIREARMS, AMMUNITION, AND SPORTSMAN'S ARTICLES. Also, all kinds of repairing done promptly. 129 N. 9th Streeet, Lincoln, Neb. fnWSi JMsnm ZasmuFri mwon,3wm YJlf370ir vyr tUf'uu am W SiIl .A;tLLjLLjlinYMI -yr"ar. 'jm ftv' hilotliccmt itcr;tni ocictn "Nulla vestigia retrorsum," Mcots ovory Friday ovonlng commencing nt olght o'clock promptly. E. Fulmer, Fres. . scc'y. W. C. F. HARDING. TOXSORIAL. ARTIST flair cuttIng,SliiivIng,Soa-fonm etc. 142 N. I Oth STREET For tickets to nil pol.its East, Wost, Nor nnd South, call on H. G. HANNA, City ticket Agent, M. P. R. R. S. E. Corner O & 12th Roducod rates for studon t B. F. McCall. Q Between 10 and 11. F. B. Klghter, M. I. BlQXQxQPaTMlBT. Office, Corner O & 12th Sts. Residence, Comer H & 16th Sts. Ofllce Telephone No. 292. Res. " " 209. Xjlaa-colaa., aTo"to. TJlsTIOlsr LEAGUE. Oysters, Ice Cream and all kinds of Ices at all Times. BR1ERLY and STEARNS. TEMPLE DINING HALL. H. C. MARTIN & WRIGH 1', Props. 234 south nth street. Meals 25c, Day Board 4.00.