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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1887)
"?p THE HE S PERT Alt J.. ' OYSTEBS! MRS. H. LINDER, 207 S. nth St, Ml IU yirj. A, B. Stewart. 1221 O Street Fruits, Confectionery And such in full line. STUDENTS Got tholr washing done nt ilic Chinese Laundry. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under wear done up in first-class style. Yee Lung, Proprietor, No. 217, North nth. UNIVERSITY . m, & g. s. , , Joint prayer mootlnpB In room No. 5 ovcrv Wednesday evening beginning nt 7:45 anil cloning at 8: DO. All Btudonta nro chrncstly I n vl toil to attend. Mary Oampboll Pros. Y. W. 0. A'. W. S.Porrln, Pros. Y. M. 0. A. FLANAGAN BRO DKAI.K11B IN , NEW AND SECOND-HAND Highest price paid for second-hand goods, loth St. bet O ami P. J. R. HAGGARD", M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON LINCOLN, NKDHA8KA. Odlcu ItooniB 5 and 0, over Harloy'e Drue Htoro. Itoaldonco-iaso G Street. Chinese 'Laundry Joe W. Fone PROPRIETOR Laundry, No 118 North 12th Between O&P All Work done in First-Class Style on Short Notice. called for or delivered. Clothing H Bi 1 M After Fortv years oxporlonco in the firoparatlon of mora ban Ono Hundred Thousand applications for patents In tlio Unltod Mates and Foreign conn trios, tlio publishers of tho Solontlilo American contlnuo to net as solicitors for patents, cavoats, trado-marks, copy rltrhtn. ntn.. fortho United States, and to obtain patents in Canada, England, Franco, Germany, and all other countries. Their oiperl enco U unequaled and their f aoilitios are unsur passed. Drawings and specifications prepared and filed In tho l'ntont Office on short notice. Torms very reasonable. No chargo for examination of models or drawings. Advico by mnll free Patont obtained through Munn.tOo.amnotlced Intho SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which has tho largest circulation and Is tho most inlluential nowspapor of its kind published in tho world. The advantages of snob, a notice overy patontoa understands. .. .. This large and splendidly illustrated nowspapor Is published WEKICIYV at 93.00 a yoar, and is admitted to bo tho best paper devoted to sclenco. mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pnb llsned In tny country. It contains tho names of all patentees andtttlo of every invention patentod eaoh week. Try it four months for ono dollar. Soldbyallnowadoalors. . ..... If yon havo an invention to patent writo to Munn A Co., publishers of Solent! llo Amerloan, 861 Broadway, New York. Handbook about patents mailed frw. ALL THE BOYS Take the GIRLS To the Old Reliable Candy Kitchen. I'orthebuM Ciuidics Intho City, UZ S. 12th. W. H. Prescott, MUSIC DEALER, 1150 0 Street, Lincoln, Nebraska O STREET. M.STOUGHTON DBA LEU IN WALL PAPER, PAINTS, WIN DOW GLASS, Etc, Painting and Artistic Dec orating. WTW7 K IMBA LXCO. P IANOS and ORGANS. Ilallctt & -Davis Pianos Kimball Pianos Emerson Pianos and the celebrated Kimball Organs. 135 N 12th St, Lincoln, Neb. F. E. RUSSELL, Man agkk: William Kiefner. I'ROI'RIKTOR OK CAPITAL ME A I MARKET. And dealer in fresh and salt meats, pout try, fresh lake fish and wild game in season. Cash paid for all kindof fat stock. 1301 O St., between 13th and ith. HUTCHINS & HYATT COAL AND WOOD. Sawed and npllt wood a specialty. Pine kindling. Ofllco, 1010 O Street. CHICAGO MEDICAL OOLLBG'E CouNi-R Prairiii Avknuk And 26tii St CHICAGO, ILL. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY. SKSSION OV 1886-7. N. S. Davis, M. D L. L. D., Dean. Tlio twenty-ninth Annual Courso o ln Btructlnii will begin tho last week In tioptozn Iter 188fl and close In Mnrch 1287. Tho courso of Instruction in gradod. studnnta bolng di vided into ilrst. Hccond and third year classes. Qualification tor admission aro either a do greoof A. U.. ucortlllcato of a reputable ac ndomy, a tuachor's cortlilcato, or a prollmlr. nrv examination. Tho method of Instruction U connplcuously practical, nnd In applied In tho wards of tho Mercy, St1 Luko'a and Mlchaol ltooso llos pltalt dally at tho bedside of the sick, and In tho South dido dispensary attachodto tho Col lege whoro from nine to ton thousand pa tients nro annually troated. Fees: Matrlcu lation.SO. Lectures, first and nocond years, each $7.r. Demonstrator Including material $10. Laboratory $8, Iiroakngo (returnable) S. Hospitals; Mercy $0. til. Luko'x $5., ur Hccond and third year studonts. Final examination $80. For further information or announce ment address Walter Hay, M. D., L. L. D., Scc'y, 243 Stale St., Chicago, 111., it. JL. IIjrE, Jtl. JD., ltMJmCOLJS-t Ofllco 1123 N Stroot. Telephone No 9. C. M. SEITZ, Dealer in Staple Groceries. Special rates to clubs, 13 15 O STREET.