Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 15, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE tfESPEklAX.
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S. D. Killcn made a flying trip to Omaha last week.
Rev. Ashman, of Heatrice, was a visitor at the University
last week.
Miss Adtlic Pollard has left school ami will not be back
this year.
Miss Levi has returned to school after wrestling with illness
for two weeks. .
Killcn: "Don't I look like an honest man? Who says 1
have got Rogers?"
Miss Emma Jacobs will be obliged to leave school at the
end of the term because of failing eyesight.
Miss Cornell made a visit to her cousin, Glen Talbot, car
rying away a pleasant impression of the U. of N.
Miss Alma Benedict has gone to St. Louis for a week's
visit with her brother. She hopes to hear Patti also.
It is rumored that another of our tutors is soon to enter up
on the married state. The young lady is the niece of one of
the Professors.
C. S. Allen, '86, was admitted to the bar last week. He
will at once enter into practice, having formed a partnership
with F. A Scoville of Valparaiso
V. II. Wagner was elected at the last meeting of the I Ins
1'KRIAN Association, as associate editor. The board is at last
filled and with a strong representative.
And now comes the spring time when "a young man's fan
cy lightly turns to thoughts of love." The south alcoves and
stairs will be more in demand than ever.
Miss Sopha Myers, '86, who is teaching in Heatrice this
year, spent last Sunday in Lincoln. The University saw but
little of her, owing to a severe attack of neuralgia.
Chapin stayed down town for two weeks to escape the
mumps, but did not succeed. He formed a picture well
worth seeing, with both checks the size of Rugbys. v
We aic sorry to record the serious illness of Hovey Bar
rett, who has had an attack of lung fever. He is, however,
now out of danger, and will be able to take his place by the
first of next term.
Ask Spurlock and Clark how they tried to get cold vic
tuals at a friend's back door and how they like to pose ?. s
tramps. By the way, you might ask about the unequalled
valor of the lady inmates of the tramp-visited house.
The fifth recital given by the department of music was held
on Tuesday evening,March8th, in the chapel. Almost the en
tire entertainment was given by Miss Cochran's pupils, who
were assisted by a few friends of the University. Too much
credit cannot be given her for her thorough work in her de
partment, as the proficiency of her pupils, is certainly a re
flex of her teaching.
Sweet maiden, why that pensive brow?
What sadness fills thy bosom now?
Can it be that eyes like thine
Should worship thus at Sorrow's shrine?
Blushing maiden, cheer thy heait;
Bid thy sorrows all depart.
Pardon me, I know 'twas late
When I scratched you oil the slate.
Then she with former 'pensive brow'
Grew pale with rage, and turning nov,
Coldly said, " "Tis Friday mom;
Please excuse me , W .
The Palladians displayed their appreciation of good musia
by subscribing $250 towards a new piano. Their boy's de
bating club made a very acceptable presentation of a hand
some secretary to the society, Friday, Mar 4th.
There arc few students who can make a two days trip and
capture a silken ringlet from some hard hearted metropolitan
lass. Matthcwson is one of them, however, so he says. In
quire, and he will, besides telling you the whole thing, invite
you down to have oysters on the strength of his prospective
For some time the third year German class has been con
ducted on the plan of a class in a German university. No
lesson is given out, but each student brings his dictionary and
grammar and docs his study in the class, getting over as
much ground as possible. They all think they have a soft
The position of ye editor-in-chief has been much envied of
late by numerous representatives of the different classes, pro
vided they were responsible for no more than one issue. The
chief object seems to be, to express the gems of thought
which seem to lorm the essence of two or three years of ex
perience as a student. But under the present regime such a
course seems to be an impossibility. However, we thought
that they ought to have an opportunity to express themselves,
and accordingly a select few were apprised of the fact that a
few opinions, if couched in a neat and compact form, would
be acceptable. We had not foreseen the result of such a
short-sighted policy, or we would not have been so rash.. Out
of about three hundred and fifty opinions we have used the
following, but attaching the names, not daring to take to our
sclf the honor of originating such a thought.
There are more pretty girls in one square inch in Pittsburg
than in all Nebraska. G. W. Gerwig.
Marie cut un petit agneau,
Sa toison fut blanche que neigc,
Et chaquc lieu que Marie alia
L'agneau fut certain d'aller. E. C.
Several years ago the Sombrero was published and was' an
immense success. Why can't we have another? Nearly all
colleges publish annuals and make them a feature of the
year, just as much as commencement. We suicly have as
much talent and energy as the average college and could bring
out a first class annual. L. M. R.
The library should be preeminently a library for the stu
dents; a library of reference, where students can pore over
the volumes, acquire a personal acquaintan e with the most
important works and authors. To do this they should have
free access to the alcoves, leaving the proper care of the books
to the students; in iacl the present system should be abolish
ed and the students put in possession of what was originally
purchased for them.- -C. S. P.
Well, you know, I don't just believe in this here society ex
clusiveness, where your social advantages are limited and
where every question concerning the University or the stu
dents are looked at with the same colored spectacles of socie
ty conservatism. I believe in class feeling, where the mem
bers of the same class can get together and have just a x
ping old time, and each not be compelled to think whether
the members of his society are getting enough honors or oc
cupying a prominent enough place. I'm in for a good' time.
L. H. C.