fin i?ii THE HESPERIAN. 1 1 it -" , '-v 4r, in Mediaeval scholars regarded natural phenomena as foot notes to explain biblical assertions: the world as supplementa ry to the theological idea, Modern, regard natural phenom ena as effects of causes which lie within their province, to discover: the world not as explanatory, but as something to be explained. With different conceptions as to the ultimate aim of know ledge, the progress of thought in both mediaeval and modern times has been most rapid. With what awe and reverence we contemplate that giant mind, that infinite zeal of the great scholastic factor of the middle ages, St. Thomas Aqui nas; mediaeval thought, mediaeval spirit, mediaeval scholas ticism incarnate, whose breadth, subtlety and force of mind were worthy of a nobler aim. Christian doctrines which in primitive ages were adapted to the simple comprehension of the multitudes, were by him reduced to a system. Religion became the study of theology. With Aristotelian philosophy as a guide, he only required a "few simple premises upon which to build endless chains of infinite questions incompre hensible distinctions. The energies and resources of an al most inexhaustible mind wasted in metaphysical subtleties of no practical moment and with no tangible results. His whole life time, as it were, consumed in erecting and elaborating an almost superhuman structure of aerial fabrics, only to be dc molished. What a contrast is the energetic, practical Hum boldt, that pillar of modern scientific research. With mind as bright and strong, with resources no greater, he achieved re sults which have formed the corner stone of our grand mod ern scientific structure, and which paved the way for greater future advancements in knowledge. With nature as a text book he read in her every phase, lessons of wisdom, rare and universally beneficial. Knowledge to him became the one aim of his life and he climbed its dizzy heights with a fixed ness of purpose and an unwavering zeal which secured him tangible and useful results. Aquinas and Humbolt! Idealist and practicalist; mediae val philosopher modern scientist; representatives of the an tipodes of thought, yet conspicuous for their oneness of pur pose. Grappling, alike, with almost superhuman strength, problems, profound and complex. Both animated by the same zeal, the same spirit which acknowledges no limit and is discouraged by no obstacle. Shining resplendent from amidst the brilliant galaxy of scholars as the two most glorious satellites, diffusing their beams of light and truth throughout the boundless realms of thought. HALL HAPPENINGS. Exams! Did you flunk? What office did you get? 89 has loaded the following with honors for the coming term: Earnest Eagleson, Pres.;T. A. Williams, V. P.; M. I. Bigelow, Sec; J. R. McCance, Treas.; Roscoe Pound, Ilisto ria. Palladian officers, spring term: Pres., W. S. Perrin; Vice Pres., MissCordie Sherer; Critic, F. A. Manley; Sec, W. II. Wagner; Cor. Sec, G. II. Tinker; Historian, T. H. Marsland; Serg't at Arms, W. W. Robertson. The Philodiceans will be governed by the following officers next term: President, Miss Dell Stratton; Vice President, May Roberts; Secretary, Mr. Stephens; Treasurer, Mr. Fritz Westerman; Critic, Mr. J. R. McCance; Attorney, Mr. Geo. Spurlock; Marshall, Mr. Theo. Westermann. There is a rumor that wc arc next year to have a chair of Philosophy established. Miss Levi has returned to school after a throe weeks ah sence at home in Nebraska City. The pump has lost its handle and now the boys have an ex cuse for, well wc won't say what. Klcinc is learning to set type and says that his old farm ex perience of setting hens comes in very handy. Briggs thinks strongly of posing as Bill Nye. It is said that he has shown marked ability as a funny man. Wc had supposed that this was a University, but judging from the way infantile diseases have raged, it must be a kin dcrgarten. Prorcssor Edgrcn was absent a few days last week attending the wedding of his niece, Miss Julia Edgren, which took place at Stromsburg. Almost every one ought to go home for this vacation with light hearts, whether they flunked or not, for there are few who have not been elected to some office during the course of the last two weeks. Last week nearly all the Medics bloomed out in broadcloth coats and blacked boots. We suppose they were trying to get used to their new garb before commencement. How stunning they were. Wc would like to sec a tennis club organized next term and know of nothing to prevent it. There is ample room for the tennis court, the apparatus is inexpensive and it is a sport in which the co-eds can take part. Miss Lucy Braun spent Sunday under the parental roof at Sutton. She brought a huge cake back with her and it is needless to say that she had plenty of visitors and that not a crumb remained within a hal f hour. The poor Freshies were driven to despair when the chan cellor announced their civil government exami nation a week before it was expected. Some of their, were scen wildly dashing to their rooms and have not been heard of yet. Others, bravely faced the music but when they came out, looked as if they had lost their last dollar. The little folks have quarrelled. Their star of destiny, which was to bind them together through their entire course, seems to have lost its charm. The children met in the Union Hall, in pursuance to a call and proceeded to nominate can didates for president. A certain faction- who should have had the chief officer, nominated Master Gere, while an other faction, thinking that might made right, nominated and elected Master Frankie H. Woods. At this the aforesaid faction grew exceedingly wroth and characterized the lattcr's action as "hoggish." Not con tent with thus giving vent to :heir spleen, they persuaded most of their adherents to retire and they retired forthwith. This generous action was fully appreciated by the remaining and all powerful faction, who quietly proceeded to elect the remaining officers, with the following result: Vice Pres., Miss Linn; Secretary, Lucy Braun; Treasurer, Master Charlie Nicodcmus; Historian, Sarah Schwab; Sergeant.Tommie Hall; The baffled and anger smitten minority, who had withdrawn ina body, gathered themselves together in the mathematics room, and gave vent to their anger in groans, lamentations and resolutions, while they proposed to follow the illustrious example set by their oratorical friends of two years before, of withdrawing permanently because they'd got beaten. Final action, however, was delayed and a committee appointed to right the wrongs of the down trodden minority of the class of '90. kl n i3 Mi " "Jfi2