Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, January 15, 1887, Page 5, Image 8

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erage wages, earnings of dependents, total earnings); 2. An
nual cost of living (itemized lor rent, fuel, food, clothing,
books and education, luxuries including drink and tobacco
and amusements, taxes, total); 3. number of dependents
(wife, children, wards, etc); and suggesting the following
questions under inquiry II; 1. Do you own a home or other
real property? 3. Do you hold a savings bank or other invest
ment? 3. Are you bettering your condition, holding your
own or losing ground? 4. Are your children, if any have set
up for themselves, better off than you?
III. Combinations, either of employers or employed, issu
ing in amicable readjustments of wages or seeking the same
end through the strike, lockout, boycott or other agencies.
Candid reports under these topics are much to be desired,
both for the present purpose and as material for the indus
trial history of the state. They should fully set forth the oc
casion, duration, cost, and outcome immediate and remote of
every such movement.
IV. Co-operative and profit-sharing enterprises. Reports
(as above) are desired of any and all ventures, in co-operative
distribution or production, particularly the latter; and of
an)' possible instance in which employes have been admitted
to a participation in profits over and above their fixed wages.
It is believed that this system of profit-sharing or industria.
partnership has a history behind and beyond anything written
in the books; that, in fact, the germ of it, more or less devel
oped, has long existed, and still exists in many industrial com
munities. Any authentic facts bearing on this question
be especially welcome.
V. Socialistic and communistic establishments. If there
are or ever have been any such communities in the state,their
origin, history, present condition and prospects would afford
a valuable contribution to the present study and to the public
Should this appeal meet with a ready response, more defi
nite and detailed inquiries may follow.
Mr. Editor: There is such a thing as privateering in war
I wish to make a plea for privateering in si udy. Let me ex
plain. Nearly every student has, at some time been con
scious of a. feeling that, in some unaccountable way and for
some unexplained reason, he ought to confine his work to the
branches prescribed in the college curriculum. If caugh
reading a novel unless, indeed it has been recommended by
the professor he feels as shamefaced as a boy stealing eggs;
and when he allows his attention to be engrossed by some in
teresting subject which is "not in his course" he is as fearful
of detection as a girl is of ghosts.
To me this seems all wrong. It cannot be premised that all
useful branches of study are included in the college course;
it cannot be maintained that all tastes are the same, nor that,
tastes being different, it is right to force everyone through the
same discipline.
The opposite principle is acknowledged in the arrangement
of a university curriculum, and the logical conclusion would
be, not that study should be confined to the course as laid
down, but that each student should, as far as he is able, make
a private application of the same logic to his own case. The
instructors, themselves, tell us
method, and when we finish our course the most valuable
thing we will have gained will be the knowledge, bow to con
tinue our study. But if we never try our powers, except un
der guidance of a teacher till the end of our course is it any
wonder that so often students cease to be students when they
graduate? If we are to learn to study alone and independent
ly by studying alone, then, just as the fledgling plumes his
that our study here is one of
little wings, we may try our power on something where we
have no guidance. It has been my experience that the in
creased mental vigor and interest will more than compensate
for the time spent. H.
Messrs. Bryan, Coleman, and Lam aster remained in Lin
coln during the holidays.
Our worthy Editor-in-Chief left for Roca last Sunday to eat
mince pie under the paternal roof.
Messrs. Bigelow spent vacation in Lincoln and report a good "
time considering their being away from home.
Ye Editor-in-Chief made one or two flying visits to the
sanctum, to see if everything were all right you know.
S. D. Killcn, after declaring that it was his firm determina
tion to remain in his room during vacation and work, finally
gave up in despair and hied home to see his ma.
They say that Kleine Polk's nominating speech at the Pal
ladian election "electrified" the audience. He is becoming
an Ingersoll in miniture.
The last term has been an exceptionally busy one. College
spirit has been allowed to languish most discreditably. Let
us have more symptoms of it next term.
The broken limb which has deprived us of our librarian for
some weeks is almost well and Miss Smith hopes to be able
to be 011 hand at the beginning of next term to keep the libra
ry quiet while C. S. Polk does the trotting and climbs the lad
der. A few of the Science students, viz.; Messrs E. Fulmer, H,"
Webber, A. H. Bigelow, F. W. Kramer, L. E. Benton and
Miss Baker, have taken advantage of their presence in town
and the various laboratories, to continue scientific work during
the holidays.
The last chapel of the fall term was held on Monday, Dec.
13th. Chancellor Manatt made a short address to the unusu
ally large number present in which he pointed out the fact of
the growth of our University for the past two years, and ahjp
setting forth the needs and hopes of those in charge.
J. E. Larkin, last year of '87, who is teaching in Seward
Count)' was turned loose for a week during the holidays and
drifted up to his old stamping ground, the University, to re
fresh himself with familiar sights and faces. Notwithstanding
the absence of so many students, he enjoyed a huge time and
declares himself still in love with the University and a pair of
Seward county blue eyes.
Our very worthy Rev. C. S. Kathan is enjoying a brief rest
from his labors in Lincoln, where he is pursuing special stud
ies. The spirit with which be plzccs himself among the un
dergraduates when he should be pursuing post-graduate work
should be appreciated by his spiritual children here, as this
sacrifice is made to so better himself that he may better care
for their spiritual welfare. Our efforts to make his holidays
pleasant should be untiring. IVaverly N'ewi.
We have two or three very promising young men who while
here ptcparing for the ministry are also supporting themselves
by preaching to a regular congregation. Now the report
comes in, and the authority is good, that in a recent glowing
discourse one of these most exemplary youths informed his
congregation that Napoleon shed tears because there wen: no
more worlds for him to conquer. The audience yielded, t
the flow of oratory and the the tears came unbidden.