it H. W. KELLEY & CO. AUK TIIK THE HESPERIAN T .RAPING PHOTOGRAPHERS OF THE CAPITAL CITY. STRICTLY FIRST CLASS WORK Call at 102b 0 Street, North Side. AT REAKOXAIU.E PRICES. r' Carpet Hr A M. Davis. k&w SUA W$m "a. n hja -- 77iT FAVOR.TE NOS..303-404-332-I7O-3SI-WITH 'HIS OTHER STYLES SOLD BY ALL DEALERS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. fi--. -ri m Peerless Steam Laundry. ... 0UR Facilities So laundry work are unsurpassed in the west. We guarantee satisfaction, Any dissatisfaction on the part of work or delivery will be made satisfactory if reported to office. No convict labor employed. We solicit your patronage. . ; C. J. I'RATT, Prop., 1117 P St. Telephone I99. FAWELL, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 113 NORTH ELVHNTH STREET, Is making special Prices to Students on All Goods in his Line. Portrait and Landscape Photographer. Stereoscopic Views of Principal Huildings for sale. Views taken to order. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. Special Hates to Slutlenta ! 129 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET. LINCOLN, NEHRASKA 1