THE HESPERIAN. IiiMtoti is mmmi to dHImes! THE CRYSTAL STEAM LAUNDRY Will call for and promptly deliver all goods entrusted to them and finish same in latest and best manner. City Office, 119N. 12th St. Telephone 47$. L. H. FULLER, carpets, masonic temple "Forma Mentis JSterna ett." Regular meetings every Friday evening commencing protnply at 8 o'clock. Students and srangcrs wolcomo. Gentlcincne debat ing clnb mocip every Saturday ovcnlng Lad 1 ca clnb meets Friday artcrnoon, nt 4 o'clock. C. S. Polk, i'ree. HP. Barrett. Secy. COMMERCIAL BARBER SHOP. Richards block. The best equipped shop in the city We do not oflTcr special prices, but keep only first class artists and therefore can offer special work. AUMSTRONO, NKV1I.I.K &Co. O n r mk- iv I la o"CSCif. i, ,m HI a .P-aM .ak, Kb -j ?b'wEzES Parlor Restaurant. In Bund Block, bet O & P. 21 meals for $4. Single meals 25 cents. Call and see us KK Litter ae cum elegantia mundum agant." Mco'p every Friday evening in Union Hall Students and strangers cordially invited. Debuting Club every Saturday ovonlng, open to all. All incotings commence promptly at 8 o'clock . S.D. Klllcn.Pres Olnra Crampliorn,Sccy. Artistic Portraits. New Studios 1029 O 8t. LINCOLN, - NEBRAS A New Sanitarium. For the treatment of Chronic Diseases, Turkish, Electrical, Russian, Med icated, Soda, Saline, Shower, Sw lin ing and fresh water baths. The cel ebrated Artesian magnetic mineral waters are used Ircre. The most com plete health resort in the west. F. B. RIGIITER, M.D., Medical Director. 288 S. 11 STREET, LINCOLN. HHhiloiUcemi !ittraru ocUt$ "Nulla vestigia retrortum." Meets every Friday evening commencing at eight o'clock promptly. P. F. Clark, Pres. F. II. Wheeler, scc'y. W. C. F. HARDING. TONSORIAl. ARTIST Hair cuttIng,Sh:ivlng,Sea-foam etc. I42 N.IOth STREET For tickotsto all points East, Went, North and Sonth, call on H. G. HANNA, City ticket Agent, M. P. R. R. S. E. Corner O & 12th Reduced ratos for students' va tlon. B. F. McCall'. LIYBBY Q Between 10 and 11. F. IS. Rlghter, M. I. Office, Corner O & 12th Sts. Residence, Corner H & 16th Sts. Office Telephone No. 292. Res. " " 209. XilxLcolsL, 3fcTo"b. i 938 P Street, North of Gov't Square. WALTERIIRE, PROPRIETOR. Every style of Picture known to the Art made. Views of Residences and Grounds. A 'full Assortment of Frames, Stereoscopes, Etc.