THE HESPERIAN. "Dr., I move you that the Philodicean Society stand ad journed for next Friday evening." J. V Hartman, attorney at law, Kearney, an old time stu dent, and wife, arc in town. Mr Hartman is here watching the doings of the legislators. John made us a pleasant call last week. The Scientific Club meets in the Chemical Lecture room for its first meeting of the term, at 3:30 p. m. Saturday, Jan. ,8th All Science students should be present and all others who arc at all interested in Scientific work. W. O. Jones, of University fame, now an editor on the State Journal force, who has been suffering with ulcerated sore throat, is again able to hold down his chair at the office "Willow", is a veritable "true blue" from the U. of N. Sing Sing Disfiatch: The prison doors opened yesterday to admit a wild and wooly cow-boy from Nebraska by name of Chas. French. His appearance is suggestive of a desper ate character and he will be kept in chains for some time to come. Kenrney Dispatch: The ladies belonging to the "clitc"of Kearney have been at home all this week to Messrs D. D. Forsyth, G. A. Bccchcr and L. A. Tillson. The hearty welcome and untold joy with which the fair sex received the before mentioned gentlemen was certainly something to be proud of. Sutton Plaindealer : Master Bertie Clnrk arrived yestcr day from Lincoln where he has been attending the state University, and was met and welcomed by Sutton's juven ile population. The little folks held a jubilee over the event at the home of Willie Wood, and report a pleasant evening, made so by nuts, candy and games. Tho Seniors have elected the following officers for this term Prcs., Luke Cheney; Vice, Miss Daley; Secy, Dean Smith' Trcas., S. D. Killen; Grand Liar, E. C. Wiggcnhorn; Chap-' lain, C. S. Cathan; Class Moralist, W. S. Tcrrin; Janitor, P F. Clark; Chorister, E. II. Eddy; Class Poet, Elton Fulmer; Constitutional Expounder, H. P. Barrett; Organist, E. D. Howe; Cook, Miss Laura Roberts; Dish Washer, Dell Strat ton; Class Dude, C. S. Polk; Class Pugilist, A. H. Bigelow. DIRECT POINTERS. Clothing for every body at Ed. Cert & Co's. The best maple sugar taffy at Mawes. Try it. Caps& hats at Ed. Ccrf & Co's. m Best shoes for only $3.00 at Webster .and Briscoe's. J. and D. Newman, 1027 O Street. Oldest Dry Goodr House in the city. For good, clean meals try the Parlor Dining Hall, 137 N. 12th Street. Bargains at T Ewings in winter goods. Don't fail to sec them. Goto 'Webster & Briscoe. 1043 0 street , for the best $3.00 shoes. Celluloid Collars 20 ecu's at Mayer Bros., 122 N. 10th St. Choice fruits, confectionery and lunch all the year round at Bedson's, 1119 O St. Kelly always docs well by the students. Give him a call. In New York go to Delmonico's, but in Lincoln go to Bed son's for oysters in every style. Always ready to wait on you. Special prices to students at T. Ewing & Co's. Celluloid Cuffs, 40 cents ' Mayer Bros., 122 N, 10th St. Linen Cuffs, 25 cents at Mayer Bros., 122 N. 10th St. We all like oysters, of course, and are interested in finding the best oyster parlor. Pochlers just suits us. For fresh bread, cakes and anything in the baker's line call at Winkler's Bakery, 143 1 O St. Give us a share of your pat ronage and you'll not regret it. For any thing in the shoe line call on Masscy. 122 North nth St, Richards Block. W. R. Dennis has the largest stock of men's fine hats and furnishing goods. Inspection solicited. Go to R. II. Oakley for coal. For gloves, seal and Scotch caps sec W. R. Dennis. Webster & Briscoe keep the best stock of boots and shoes. , v .. Manlcy- keeps a full line of confectionery goods, give him a call. " Linen Collars, 2 for 25 cents at Mayer Bros., 122 N. 10th St. W. R. Dennis should be your hatter and furnisher. Students will receive best of attention at Manley's. Go to J. A. Bailey, 146 S. 12th, for Wall Paper, Decorating, Calclmlng, uratmng ami House minting in all its branches. Stetson and Dunlap hats at W. R. Dennis' under Opera House. When you want any Wall Paper, Decorating, Calcimine. Graining, or House Painting, go to J. A. Bailey, 146, S. 12th St. Terms cash. Go to Ed. Ccrf & Co. for furnishing goods. The WYOMING Coals have for years been regarded as the best and cleanest fuel for domestic consumption. R. IT. Oak ey has the sole agency for these coals. When in want of choice a id clean hard or soft coal give him a call. N. W. cor. 1 1 and O. Telephone 66. The latest styles in hats at Ed. Ccrf & Co's. If you want to get solid with your girl, take her some of Mawe's taffy. Yum! Yuml! Manlcy has the cream of the candy trade. Call on Edddd. Ccrf & Cooo. Go to the Howard House for day board. Best dollar a day house in the city. You will receive prompt attention' and also warm meals here. Linen Shirts, 50 cents, at Mayer Bros,, 122 N. 10th St. I. B. Massey is showing the finest line of men's shoes in the city and at prices to suit every body. 122 North nth St, Richards Block. Sam Westerficld is at his old stand and will make special rates to students. Go to Ewing's for sealskin caps. Attend the Lincoln Business College. Go to Kelly's for fine work in photography. All wool scarlet underwear, 45 cents at Mayer Bros., 122 N. 10th St. Cadet suits, gloves and caps at Ewing's. Full line of silk mufflers .and nobby silk handkerchiefs at Ewing's. You will always find Kelly on hand to do good work. Ewing's make children's clothing a special feature of their business. The new stock now includes the handsomest wtyles ever brought to Lincoln. Be sure to call and see them . Students needing Cadet Caps will do well to call at Mayer Bros., the Tenth St. Clothiers, as they have a large lot to close out cheap. H. W. Brown keeps a full assortment of student's books. Go to Hayden's for Holiday Pictures and have them fin ished up with the new enameller, the latest thing in the pho tographic line, 1214 O St. Cadet suits, $10. Worth $15, at Mayer Bros., 122 N. 10th St. Mrs, A. Stuart, 1221,0 street, fruits, confectionery, cigars, tobacco, - '