THE il E S PERI A N . sics has received the most complete nml perfect of modem chemical equipment in a Laboratory planned and built fur its J express accommodation, while its start has been strengthened by the appointment of an Instructor in Physics thoroughly trained in that specialty. Meantime the growth which is without observation, which cannot be summed up in a census of new men, new buildings, and new equipments, has gone steadily and surely on. The work of the quiet departments shut up in small rooms has been extended and deepened, all instruction more thoroughly organized, the curriculum revised and the library greatly enriched. Although the total attendance of students has not increased numerically, because of the settled policy of the University to remit preparatory work just as far as possible to the pub lic high shcools, there has been a most gratifying growth in the higher and permanent work, as attested by the fact that the number in the four regular college classes is now almost twice as large as il was two years ago. a The total enrollment for the piescnt term is 332. During the two years there have been in attendance 550 different stu dents; or, adding uumatriculatcd Fine Arts pupils over 600. While the total number of matriculated students is but lit tle larger than it was for the corresponding term two years ago, an analysis shows real growth of a most encouraging kind. Then the preparatory students outnumbered the col legiate fully 50 per cent; now they are 'outnumbered by them 20 per cent. The net increase in collegiate students is over 40 per cent, while the regular college classes, which are and long must be the center of our strength, have gained 90 per cent. The totals for these classes for the four jycars begin ning with 1883 run 60, 70, 113. 126. For the same ycars,up to 1885 at least, the corresponding classes in several neighbor ing state universities show a steady decline. The reduced at tendance of preparatory students is the natural and desirable result of the development of our public schools, hastened during the last three years by the earnest effort of the Uni versity to bring the high schools up to their proper place and work in the educational system The decline in attendance on the College of Medicine is the necessary result of the Legislative policy lowaid that department. j ft e ft Passing from mere statistics, i" is my simple duly to say "that the spirit of our students is worthy of all praise. Per haps a majority of them are here on their own motion, many of them working their own way, substantially all of them using the privileges of the University with tin earnestness and fidelity that piomise a manifold return to the Commonwealth on all it has invested in their education. In a long and var ied College experience, I have never known a college com munity so uniformly and earnestly given to its proper busi ness or realizing higher standards of manly and womanly character and conduct. For the three years of my connec tion with the University its good order has hardly once been broken by a serious misdemeanor, and practical self-government on the part of the students is thus far found a success The Report also sets forth in an exceedingly lair way our bright prospects for the future, if our present needs arc but properly met. It is to be hoped that the coming legislature will treat us fairly; that done, we can promise to astonish them, so great will be our growth, against the time for the next meeting of the legislature. HEARD IiV THE HALLS, II. F. McCall advertises in the IlKsi'KK(,Nand,willgive stu dents as good terms on a rig'or cutter as any, man in the city, Q street between 10& 11. " Rain! More rain! Cops! Students! 'My cousin, Mr. ." "Oh, please let me go!" Miss Ethel Marsland visited at Omaha last week. This vacation is worth having. It lasts almost three weeks. Mr. Stuff is to take charge of Grace M. E. Church of East Lincoln. The Polk boys are spending their vacation at their home in Louisville. The Seniors went skating. That is a few of the Senior masculi ni, J. W. Huff, a member of last year's Freshman class, called on us last week. " The Westcrman boys arc spending their vacation at home, Decatur Illinois. J. II. Marble, instead of going home, spends vacation with relatives in Ashland. Ask the Freshmen about "universal instantaneous confla gration" and the effect on the Prof. The recommendation for a library building the Regents thought wise to pass over till some future time. Mr. Examination has been very ill all week and passed away this Friday at 4:30 p. m. Rest in peace. The Freshman class will be officered as follows for next term., Prcs. T. II. Marsland; Vice. Prcs. Miss Levi; Sec'y Miss Laws; Treas. Jas. Mallalieu; Historian Asa Pace; Serg't Ralph Platte. F'ctcher and his room-mate have been looking around for another room for next term. Query: Why were they fired? Ask Fletcher, or await the answer which will appear in our next number. J. II. McDonald got left, and Scharman went home to tell how Jas. had too much of the social and over slept himself. McDonald's long drawn out face was pitiful to sec when he beheld the outgoing train. Miss Grace Ilarrclt was "at home" to fourteen of her Palla (linn friends Inst Friday evening. All join in pronouncing the occasion and the hospitality the best of the many enjoya ble times" of the term. The Misses Talbot started home at 3:30 a. m. Thursday. A telegram received at 6 a. m. of the same day stated that they were well on their way, and would probably get there in lime to breakfast at home. Robertson evidently has a stroke of nu Friday night he was found wandering aimlessly about Wyuka Cemetery, probably seeking a grassy place foi- rest when his heartstrings shall have been rent asunder. The Philodiccans have elected the following officers for the winter term: Pres., Elton Fulmcr; Vice President, Miss Liz zic Itonncll; Treasurer, Fritz Westerman; Attorney, C. S.ICn than; Critic, Mr. Gcrwig; Marshall, Chas. Newcomer, As usual we hear of some failures in examinations. Very few indeed can do nothing all the term, and yet come up for finals with good success. It pays to do the work during the term, and loaf examination week if you must loaf ct all. j