THE HESPERIAN. it Donne the undisputed honor of constituting a state oratorical association. We have another purpose, a verv different end in view. The need of more faithful work upon the part of the student is not the only cause of a certain unsatis factory feeling which comes over him upon the com pletion of some studies. Students who good grades have complained that they were not satisfied with the work done. Not that they had expected to compass more, or to have been more thorough in what they did perform; but rather that they were not satisfied with the motives which prompted them to the work, or the spirit in which that work was done. 'This instructor getsneertnin amount of work out of me despite myself. I do about so much work in an other line to get a certain mark. But there is one thing that I do study for the study's sake, and be cause the instructor in that branch makes it interest ing and quite to my taste. I leel fairly well satisfied with my work in those branches first mentioned, but I do not see that I retain very much of what was gain ed there. No,I have not a wide reaching knowledge, perhaps, of that last subject, but what I have seems to be a part of myself, my very own; and I am satis fied with it, and with that instructor.' Such is the story as near as we can recall it. Now while we be lieve that it is the fault of the student to this extent, thnt he hangs back and refuses to do his share to brenk down the barriers that exist between teacher and pupil, yet, there is too often a reason for laying the blame elsewhere. Natural, honest and consistent work will bring to the student a sense of real satis faction (we have remarked as much before). But on the other hand there must be naturalness and consis tency on the part of the one acting in the capacity of an instructor. The experience of any one of us would no doubt be enough to convince him that this quality is too often lacking in those who were denom inated his instructors in an earlier school life. There must be no disparity between ethics taught and ethics practiced. Perhaps a pupil shirks duty. Other means failing, the instructor in his extremity adopts some policy either to entice or to force him to the work. This scheme generally bears upon its face the imprint of a true interest in the pupil upon whom it is to have the desired effect. But too often this imprint is only upon the surface, and the scheme becomes a complete failure because the student was too wide awake to be forced to do anything against his will. Suspicious from the first of a new instructor, his trick or sharp prac tice, though well meant,spoils for all time the friendly and natural relations which should have been early cultivated between him and the student with him. And it is this lack of confidence and consequent nat uralness, no matter where or what the cause, which makes the student feel unsatisfied with his work. MISCELLANY. Among the are articles of special interest in the November Worth American Review are Walt Whitman's paper on Ihims, Jefferson Davis on the "Indian 1'olicy of the United States," "Why am I a Churchmen," by Bishop Dudley, of Kentucky, beside? valuable matter in the "Notes ami Comments." The revised edition of the American Encyclopedia which the library has just received in exchange for the old set, will be found to contain additional features of value as a book of reference, Beside the main body of the work, there are sup plementary volumes treating later subjects and reaching up to date, and also an index to the whole work, which will prove most especially convenient. The AVk Englaiuier ami Yale Review contains articles of unusual merit in the current number. Among them arc "Methods of Historical study," with suggestions of how to make the classics which are read in the undei graduate course of more service in studying history. "The Struggle in Bul garia," by a professor in Robert College, Constantinople. Rus kin vs. Gibbon and Grote," being a spirited defense of the two great historians against the criticisms of Carlyle and his avowed pupil, Mr. Ruskin,. Other articles arc "The Red Cross," a review of Prof. Drummond's "Natural Man" and "Miscellaneous Topics." In addition to Tolstoi's novel, "War and Peace," which was noticed in our last issue, the library has also received "Anne Karnina," and "Childhood, Boyhood and Youth," by the same author; "Taras Bulba," by Gagol, another Russian writer of prominence, and "Great Masters of Russian Litera ture," the latter being a translation from the French by Du pont. The growing interest in Russian Literature manifested by educated men every where, is one of the most noticeable signs of the times. This literature is all the more interesting -because, as is observed in the preface of the last of the works mentioned above, it is mainly the product of the last half con- tury, and because, moreover, its appearance may be taken as a sign that the Slavonic race, the most backward of the wes tern Aryan peoples, has at last begun its onward movement towards that commanding position which, in the opinion of many scholars, it is destined to occupy. The books referred to will thus throw light upon a most important subject. The celebration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of Harvard College is one of the most notable events of its kind which has occurred in recent years. There is some thing peculiarly impressive in this gathering together of the sons of a venerable institution at such a time. It is", more over, an occasion for rejoicing, not only on the part of the alumni of Harvard, but for friends of education everywhere. Although the oldest, we believe, save one, of American col leges, Iarvard has not allowed her age to stamp her as un progressive, but has kept fully abreast of the times. Alive to modern ideas, it has within the last few years changed from a college to a university, modified its curriculum, and increas ed its courses of study. Thus while its older rival, William and Mary College, has closed its doors, Harvard has maintained a steady and substantial growth. In spite of the fact that American centres of population and power have con stantly been moving westward, this venerable New England school has held her own against oung and vigorous western institutions, and has allowed none of them to bear awayfrom her completely the palm of leadership. li