Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 22, 1886, Page 2, Image 3

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Issued semi monthly by the llKsrr.KlAN l'ublishini; Associ
ation, of the University of Nebraska.
1'. F. CLAHK, '87. KANNIE A. UAKER, 'So.
A. II. 1HGEI.0W, '87. G. S. LOHINGIEU, '89.
One cony, lcr college year,
One cony, one half year,
Single copy, . . . . ' .
auvkktisim; katks on aiti.ication.
Address all coninumications to TilK IlKSl'KKlAN, University
of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Every mind is more or less susceptible to the eleva
ting influence of education. Yet a college training
cannot produce brilliant men it respective of the
quality of material with vl ich work was begun. The
common notion to the contrary, yet the fool will onlj
be a graduate fool at the end of his college course and
can only be distinguished from the earlier "know-nothing
and do-nothing" by the fact that he shows long
er training and wider experience in the art of doing
nothing. From all reports we are cursed by a very
few of this class who are spending time and money
to acquire a larger experience in shirking the duties
and the responsibilities ol the student.
We are aware of the fart that it is impolitic to ak
for very much, though it is clearly seen that you have
not asked for mere than is really needed. Hut in the
matter of new buildings is it too much to ask the
next legislature for both a library building and an ar
mory and gymnasium? We think not. The need is
imperative, and just now we are trying to decide
whether or not we shall ask lor both, or, if we can
have but one, which can we best do without. Those
in authority have concluded, we arc informed, that
we will first ask for a library building and funds, ac
knowledging, however, that both should be allowed
us immediately. We believe that a similar decision
would have been the result had the question been put
to vote among the students. We have begged long
and stoutly, however, for a gymnasium, and are very
much averse to giving up all hopes now. The state
can well afford to allow us both the needed buildings,
and though we yet give the demand for a library
building the precedence, we cannot forego our claims
to a gymnasium as well.
We are now in the very midst of another year's
work. Unfinished studies lie behind us; belore us
rises up such and so much difficult work that we
grow faint at the sight. It is not necessary to call
attention to the fact that we are over-worked. That
is, our courses of study are too full. No college in
the land requires so many hours as does our own. To
be honest, perhaps curt, it requires too much; and
everybody that has mtde a trial is fully convinced of
the fact. But that is not the only cause of complaint.
The work of the Freshman year, in particular, is not
only too heavy, but is also too scattered to give the
greatest satisfaction, and the best results. A proper
education means something else than a certain num
ber of hours spent in digging out difficult and discon
nected subjects. The educated man is something
very different from the so-called educated student.
Why the idea seems to be that all that is necessary is
to stuff his head with a little of everything, label him
with a certain sheepskin label which designates him a
graduate student, and then turn him put upon the
world, an educated man. We have a very different
idea of what an education should consist. But so
leng as we are required to compass so much in the
recitatton room we can never attain to our ideal.
The University Oratorical Association long since
withdrew from the State Association. We were con
vinced that neither the time, nor the competitors
worthy our metal had come. Our friends of Hastings
and York Colleges also withdrew for sundry and var
ious reasons never made known, and left only Crete in
the ring. Crete, of course, was equal to the emergen
cy that is her failing. No one ever before heard of
a state oratorical association composed of a single col
lege association, but such a little thing as that could
not stagger our friends at Dnanc College. Donning
the robe of dignity and world-wide importance, she
constituted herself a state oratorical asociation. A
contest was held and the winning orator sent to the
inter-state contest as Nebraska's representative. It is
needless to state that he made quite a reputation for
himself and state. But now Hastings and York
grow jealous and resolve that Doane shall not have all
the honors of such a victory. They appeal to us to
help them out; our reply is found in the opening sen
tences of this article. With all due respect, and in
all friendliness we beg leave to decline; and, moreover,
we are perfectly well satisfied to allow our friends at