THE ffESPEMAN. Cleanliness is next to G odlinefw THE CRYSTAL STEAM LAUNDRY Will call for and promptly deliver all goods entrusted to them and finish same in latest and best manner. City Office, itoN. iath St. Telephone 473. L. H. FULLER, carpets, masonic tempee xUHxh fihrxrg trictg. "Forma Mentlt Sterna t$t.n Regular meetings every Friday evening commencing promply at 8 o'clock. Students and srangers welcome. Gcntlcmens debat ing clnb mocls every Saturday ovcnlng Lad 1 cs clnb meets Friday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. C. S. Polk, Trcs. HP. Barrett. Mccy. BLUE FRONT. '4.ttn c. Railroad and Ticket Broker Money saved to all points. Tickets bought, sold and exchanged to any part of the U. S. tyltm will cenwilt voar interest by calling )30 norm 11 i. Telenhnse Ml. LINCOLN, X EHRASKA mm t fenw f O U in ZZ -J ctSsX 5spo .?a 3 $LoS3 F. E. NEWTON, Dealer In Hardware, Stoves, ," AND Hmw FurilsURS GmJs, 230 South Eleventh St. jfitwtrfitg JTffr, ,sLiUtraecumelef4Mtta mundum ttft," Mtcs every Friday evcatag in Uaion Hall Students and strangers cordially iavltea. Debiting Clnb every 8atorday evening, open to all. All meetings commence promptly at 8 o'clock. S. D. KlUen.Pron. Clara C ram phorn, Secy. stftC Artistic Portraits, Kcw Sladins MM O St. L.NCOLN, NEBRASKA New Sanitarium. For the trcatnteat of Chronic Diseases, Turkish, Electrical, Russian, Med icated, Soda, Saline, Shower, Switn ing and fresh water baths. The cel ebrated Artesian raaraetic mineral waters are used here. The most com plete health resort in tlo west. P. 3. RIGUTER, M. D., Meiiua Director. 238 S. 11 8TREKT, LINCOLN. hiUdictxH fittnrg JfmWf "JVWfa tuHfkt Meets every Friday at eight o'clock promptly.' P. Vm Clark, Pres. F. II. Wheeler, secy. W. C. F. HARDING. TOXSRIAL ARTIST g4rettUg,SfcvlBg,3M ton etc i42N.tothSTB.EKT For ttekets to all points Kast, We,' Jfertta aaa Swrth, all n W. G. HANNA, 118 North nth Street, Richards Block Rednced rates for students' vacation. 1 1 1 1 I B. F. McCall. I Q BJPPsVcn 10 and II. X. TJOU SOWBXH. JTS1K X.. BSWBIX. BLUEBIRD Millinery & Notions O ad lth 8ta. Opp. Opera boas. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Peerless Steam Laundry. OUR Facilities for laundry work are unsurpassed in the west. We guarantee satisfaction, Any dissatisfaction on the part of work or delivery will,be made satisfactory if reported to office. 'No convict labor employed. Wc solicit your patronage. v-. j, xivrv j. 1, xrop., 1117 r ou xctcpeouc a.99.